Kellan Lutz's Top 10 Favorite Workouts For A Healthy Body
(Kellan Lutz's Top 10 Favorite Workouts For A Healthy Body/Image Credits: Big Gay Picture Show)

Kellan Lutz struts a lean physique the majority of the time. And by that I mean I’ve never seen him not ripped. It seems even when he’s working on tacking on mass he is staying super “clean” when it comes to nutrition to tack on as much lean mass as possible.

Workouts List of Kellan

Kellan Lutz's Top 10 Favorite Workouts For A Healthy Body
(Kellan Lutz's Top 10 Favorite Workouts For A Healthy Body/Image Credits: Men's Journal)

To stack on the muscle, Lutz breaks down each muscle group in three different ways, cramming in fat-searing bodyweight work between sets, and is reportedly a big fan of the Paleo Diet.

I was able to find some other sources who support this claim, but it also seems Lutz often just sticks to healthy eating and a heavy reliance on his activity level and daily training to keep him in a pretty decent deficit where he can simply train and eat intuitively.

Eat the rainbow,” McDonald instructs, referring to richly colored and leafy vegetables that come in dark hues of red, yellow, and green. Plus, down a gallon of water every day. And include plenty of healthy protein—eggs, tofu, lean meats—all of which help to maintain lean muscle mass.
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Kellan Lutz Workout Routine Research

Kellan Lutz's Top 10 Favorite Workouts For A Healthy Body
(Kellan Lutz's Top 10 Favorite Workouts For A Healthy Body/Image Credits: E! Online)

One thing I will say that might not be found in the sources I will utilize is that Lutz is seen outside running and hiking quite often.

Whether it’s on Instagram or just making their way to the tabloids, the pictures of Lutz outside [running or hiking] either shirtless, with his dogs, or with his significant, other seem to pop up quite often.

So we’ll keep that in mind while researching the rest of his training. shares some pretty decent quotes from Lutz: I love doing action movies because they help keep me accountable. When I’m not working, I get a little lackadaisical with the gym,” he says.

I don’t want my time in the gym to be a workout,” Lutz says. I want to have a good time. I don’t want to be watching the clock the whole time; I want to look up and think, ‘Oh my God, I’ve been here for two hours.'

For those who have yet to start their fitness journeys, Lutz has a special piece of motivation: “You have to start today, he says. You can’t push it off until tomorrow because tomorrow will come around and you’ll push it off again. There’s no better time than the present to start something.

When asked about exercise selection, Lutz says, I do these movements because I want my whole body, not just parts of it, to look like Hercules. I’m doing cardio to get cut. The bear crawls work my chest, and the dips work my chest, arms, and shoulders. I’m wearing a skirt for most of the movie and am entirely naked on top, so I want to get a good pump. I also wish that silhouette. I want to look godly.”

To physically become the hero, Lutz did more than just don a costume. He used cardio, resistance training, and creativity to build a body worthy of his character. 
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