
George Clooney and Julia Roberts stand out as two of Hollywood's most renowned and admired performers. They have co-starred in six films across assorted genres and decades. Their on-screen magnetism is clear as they take on varied roles that share a bond even if they are emotional, professional, and friendly. Let us look into the movies Julia Roberts and George Clooney have been in together and see how they have enthralled crowds with their acting.

What Movies Have George Clooney and Julia Roberts Made Together

If you are wondering what movies have George Clooney and Julia Roberts done together, then don’t worry as we have got your back. Below is a table of the movies George Clooney and Julia Roberts have been in together along with their release year and IMDb rating.

Sr. No. Song Name Singer Name
1 Ocean's Eleven (2001) 7.7
2 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002) 7
3 Ocean's Twelve (2004) 6.5
4 Ocean's Twelve (2007) 6.9
5 Money Monster (2016) 6.5
6 Ticket to Paradise (2022) 6.1

1. Ocean's Eleven (2001)

1. Ocean's Eleven (2001)
  • Lead Actors: George Clooney (Danny Ocean), Julia Roberts (Tess Ocean)
  • Supporting Actors: Brad Pitt (Rusty Ryan), Matt Damon (Linus Caldwell), Andy Garcia (Terry Benedict), Don Cheadle (Basher Tarr), Bernie Mac (Frank Catton) and more
  • Director: Steven Soderbergh
  • Release Date: December 7, 2001
  • Runtime: 116 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 7.7
  • Revenue: $450 million
  • Language: English
  • Release Platform: Theatrical

Ocean's Eleven is a heist comedy following Danny Ocean, a magnetic thief who gathers a crew of specialists to rob three Las Vegas gambling establishments owned by his ex-wife's new lover Terry Benedict. Julia Roberts plays Tess Ocean who is Danny's estranged wife working as an art curator for Benedict. The movie displays the witty banter and clever plans of Ocean's team plus the romantic tension and making-up between Danny and Tess. Ocean's Eleven is a remake of the 1960 film of the same name starring Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack. The movie received good reviews from critics and viewers who commended the cast, the humor, the aesthetic, and the soundtrack. It also produced two sequels which are Ocean's Twelve and Ocean's Thirteen.

2. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)
George Clooney and Julia Roberts Movies Together: A Powerhouse Pair Onscreen (Image Credits:

George Clooney and Julia Roberts Movies Together: A Powerhouse Pair Onscreen (Image Credits:

  • Lead Actors: Sam Rockwell (Chuck Barris), Drew Barrymore (Penny Pacino)
  • Supporting Actors: George Clooney (Jim Byrd), Julia Roberts (Patricia Watson), Rutger Hauer (Keeler) and more
  • Director: George Clooney
  • Release Date: December 31, 2002
  • Runtime: 113 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 7.0
  • Revenue: $33 million
  • Language: English
  • Release Platform: Theatrical

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is a biopic dramedy depicting Chuck Barris, a television creator who asserted being a CIA assassin in his memoir. The movie oscillates between Barris' vocation as the inventor and host of popular game shows like The Dating Game, The Newlywed Game, and The Gong Show and his secret missions murdering people for the CIA. George Clooney plays Jim Byrd, a CIA recruiter who hires Barris and trains him to be a killer. Julia Roberts is Patricia Watson, an enigmatic femme fatale who seduces Barris and becomes his manager. The movie is based on Barris' own book and marked Clooney’s directorial premiere. It received mixed critiques with acclaim for Rockwell’s acting but skepticism around the story's credibility and tone.

3. Ocean’s Twelve (2004)

Ocean’s Twelve (2004)
George Clooney and Julia Roberts Movies Together: A Powerhouse Pair Onscreen (Image Credits:
  • Lead Actors: George Clooney (Danny Ocean), Julia Roberts (Tess Ocean)
  • Supporting Actors: Brad Pitt (Rusty Ryan), Matt Damon (Linus Caldwell), Catherine Zeta-Jones (Isabel Lahiri), Andy Garcia (Terry Benedict), Don Cheadle (Basher Tarr), Bernie Mac (Frank Catton) and others
  • Director: Steven Soderbergh
  • Release Date: December 10, 2004
  • Runtime: 125 minutes
  • IMDb rating: 6.5
  • Revenue: $362 million
  • Language: English
  • Release Platform: Theatrical

Ocean’s Twelve is another heist comedy following the Ocean’s group as they have to repay the money they stole from Terry Benedict in the first movie with interest. To do this, they must pull off three robberies in Europe while dodging a Europol agent who is Rusty’s ex-girlfriend and a rival thief challenging them. Julia Roberts plays Tess Ocean joining the heist team in their final robbery even impersonating herself in a meta twist. The movie had mixed reviews with criticism that it lacked the originality and fun of the first while relying too much on star power and self-referential jokes.

4 - Ocean’s Thirteen (2007)

Ocean’s Thirteen (2007)
George Clooney and Julia Roberts Movies Together: A Powerhouse Pair Onscreen (Image
  • Lead Actors: George Clooney (Danny Ocean), Julia Roberts (Tess Ocean)
  • Supporting Actors: Brad Pitt (Rusty Ryan), Matt Damon (Linus Caldwell), Andy Garcia (Terry Benedict), Don Cheadle (Basher Tarr), Bernie Mac (Frank Catton) and others
  • Director: Steven Soderbergh
  • Release Date: June 8, 2007
  • Run Time: 122 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 6.9
  • Estimated Revenue: $311.7 million
  • Language: English
  • Release Platform: Theatrical

Ocean’s Thirteen follows Danny Ocean's crew as they devise a plan to take down the ruthless casino tycoon Willy Bank who double-crossed their friend Reuben Tishkoff. Julia Roberts has a minor role as Tess Ocean staying with Reuben and aiding his recuperation from a heart attack. This movie wrapped up the Ocean's trilogy as the sequel to Ocean's Twelve. Reviews were largely positive with acclaim for the cast, comedy, aesthetic, and narrative. It also paid respect to Bernie Mac in his final film role before passing away in 2008.

5. Money Monster (2016)

Money Monster (2016)
George Clooney and Julia Roberts Movies Together: A Powerhouse Pair Onscreen (Image Credits: TV
  • Lead Actors: George Clooney (Lee Gates), Julia Roberts (Patty Fenn)
  • Supporting Actors: Jack O’Connell (Kyle Budwell), Dominic West (Walt Camby), Caitriona Balfe (Diane Lester), Giancarlo Esposito (Captain Marcus Powell) and others
  • Director: Jodie Foster
  • Release Date: May 13, 2016
  • Runtime: 98 minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 6.5
  • Revenue: $93 million
  • Language: English
  • Release Platform: Theatrical

Money Monster follows Lee Gates, an extravagant TV financial advisor, and his producer Patty Fenn. During a live show, Lee is taken hostage by a furious investor who lost money on Lee's stock tip. He demands answers from Lee and the CEO whose stock crashed. Patty tries to keep Lee alive and uncover the truth behind the scandal. The movie received mainly positive reviews with acclaim for the performances and timely themes.

 6. Ticket to Paradise (2022)

Ticket to Paradise (2022)
George Clooney and Julia Roberts Movies Together: A Powerhouse Pair Onscreen (Image Credits:
  • Lead Actors: George Clooney (Jack), Julia Roberts (Lily)
  • Supporting Actors: Billie Lourd (Lila), Kaitlyn Dever (Emma), Caitlin McGee (Maggie) and others
  • Director: Ol Parker
  • Release Date: September 30, 2022
  • Runtime: 104 Minutes
  • IMDb Rating: 6.1
  • Revenue: $168.6 Million
  • Language: English
  • Release Platform: Netflix

Ticket to Paradise is Julia Roberts and George Clooney's new and latest movie together from 2022. It follows divorced parents Jack and Lily who travel to Bali to stop their daughter from making the mistake of marrying too young. In the process, they rekindle feelings for each other and realize they may not be over. The upcoming rom-com marks the fifth team-up of George Clooney and Julia Roberts expected to showcase their signature chemistry and appeal.


George Clooney and Julia Roberts stand out as two exceptionally gifted and flexible performers in Hollywood. They have collaborated on six films each displaying their diverse abilities and styles. They always captivate audiences who root for them. They truly light up the screen as an on-screen power duo. 


Here are some frequently asked questions about George Clooney and Julia Roberts movies together.

Q: How many movies have George Clooney and Julia Roberts done together?

A: They have done six total - Ocean's Eleven, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Ocean's Twelve, Ocean’s Thirteen, Money Monster, and Ticket to Paradise.

Q: What is the Netflix film with George Clooney and Julia Roberts?

A: Ticket to Paradise released on September 30, 2022.

Q: What was the first movie where George Clooney and Julia Roberts co-starred?

A: Ocean's Eleven in 2001.

Q: What is the latest movie featuring George Clooney and Julia Roberts together?

A: Ticket to Paradise which released on Netflix on September 30, 2022.

Q: Which George Clooney and Julia Roberts movie was the most commercially successful?

A: Ocean's Eleven which grossed $450 million worldwide.

Q: Have George Clooney and Julia Roberts won any awards for their collaborations?

A: No joint awards but individual/ensemble nominations for their shared movies.

Q: Will there be more movies with George Clooney and Julia Roberts in the future?

A: At least Ticket to Paradise is scheduled for now.

Q: Did George Clooney and Julia Roberts kiss?

A: Yes, they kissed in Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve and Ticket to Paradise.