Breaking Bad Secrets: Bryan Cranston's Shocking Revelations About The Show's Dark Side!
(Breaking Bad Secrets: Bryan Cranston's Shocking Revelations About The Show's Dark Side!/Image,Fine Day Sunday -

You may have watched breaking bad with a sense of pity for Walter White, but there is a dark side to the character you may not know about.The movie was created by Vince Gilligan, and originally aired on AMC in 2008. It shows the descent of Bryan Cranston's character, Walter who after receiving a terminal lung cancer diagnosis begins to do bad and ultimately becomes a dangerous drug lord in New Mexico, causing harm to those around him while gaining power and notoriety.Bryan Cranston who played the infamous character of Walter White in Breaking Bad, established his position as one of television's most notorious criminals while still being a hero people wanted to see win.

Breaking Bad Secrets: Bryan Cranston's Shocking Revelations About The Show's Dark Side!
(Breaking Bad Secrets: Bryan Cranston's Shocking Revelations About The Show's Dark Side!/Image Credits:GQ)

Even Psychiatrist Dr. Eric Bender when examining the character of Walter White from the television series Breaking Bad, proposed that he exhibited narcissistic tendencies from the very first episode."I believe it is an oversimplification to attribute his behavior solely to external factors. It seems that these traits were inherent in him from the very beginning. He harbored a sense of entitlement, feeling that he had been taken advantage of. Consequently, he resorted to blaming others, a common tendency among narcissists, refusing to accept any responsibility for his actions. Although he has not fully transformed into Heisenberg yet, he is undoubtedly heading down that path."

Throughout the series, Walter had a very dark side which most fans overlooked. He managed to commit at least 30 different types of crimes including kidnapping, poisoning, sales of drugs, and even attempted murder. In an interview with Daily Mail in 2018 Bryan Cranston revealed that he also was once a real-life murder suspect so he could understand the dark side of his character.The Breaking Bad star said police sought him out following the murder of a chef at a Polynesian restaurant where he worked in the 1970s, before finding fame.'The head chef was a guy named Peter Wong. Now Peter was a good chef and a horrible person,' Bryan said. 'He was the first person I ever met who I just realized, ''Oh my God, I hate this guy.'' I don't think I've ever hated someone before Peter Wong. He was not a nice guy. He was miserable and mean,' he added.

Breaking Bad Secrets: Bryan Cranston's Shocking Revelations About The Show's Dark Side!
(Breaking Bad Secrets: Bryan Cranston's Shocking Revelations About The Show's Dark Side!/Image Credits:Grunge)

The Trumbo star continued that he and his co-workers at the Daytona Beach, Florida restaurant often joked about killing the chef.After his murder, the restaurant staff were questioned by police. “Did anybody ever talk about hurting or killing Peter Wong?'', Bryan recounted the officers asking. 'And all the waiters are like, ''Yeah, all of us''.'Bryan said he and his older brother Kyle who also worked at the restaurant had quit a week before the chef's murder.And while they were motorcycling up the East Cost, their former co-workers told police how much the Cranston brothers despised the chef. The police then put an APB out on their motorcycles and were looking for them.We were somewhere north of the Carolinas but we were not arrested as no evidence was linked to us, Bryan told the interviewer. Mentioning his role in Breaking bad, he hinted that although Walter’s character indeed had gone through a lot. There were a lot of times when he knew that Walter would have committed the crimes he did sooner or later. Even if he wasn’t diagnosed with the sickness, something else would have pushed him over the edge.