The Kurosawa Classic, I Live In Fear, Is The Perfect Watch After Oppenheimer675
(The Kurosawa Classic, I Live In Fear, Is The Perfect Watch After Oppenheimer /Image Credits: BBC)

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

America dropped several bombs on two main Japanese cities in August 1945. The name of those cities is Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The death count from these bombs was nearly impossible to estimate the lives. 

Utilized Nuclear Weapons

The fears of America being the only and first nation to the bombing had gone through many years of war that impacted several lives. The ripple and radioactive effects of the bombs affected the Japanese citizens, which led to psychological turmoil.

Americans Occupied Japan

To the fact, American navies occupied Japan from 1945 to 1952, ensuring that the country's residents were reminded of the people who'd bombed the cities. The internal torment for these events didn't go easily for a generation or two decades.

Japanese Cinema

The war persists, lingers, and creeps its way into all ingredients of Society, consisting of art. Japanese Cinema of the later 1940s to 1950s was conscious of the horrors and atomic age that occurred to the people. Sounds surprising? Follow us at daily and stay updated.

A popular example is 'Godzilla'

One of the most popular examples is the original 'Godzilla.' However, more friendly motion pictures were explored within the Japanese Society to awaken the unspeakable horrors within the nation.

Kurosawa, 'I Live in Fear'

Another title was a virtual picture of 1955 made by Akira Kurosawa featured in 'I Live in Fear.' It shows you the precise parts of the bombings that happened in two main cities of Japan.

'I Live In Fear' Fits The Bill

For those who seek an alternate perspective on the aftermath of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, particularly after Oppenheimer's American-centric approach, "I Live in Fear," offers a fitting option. The film satisfies this interest and captivates on various cinematic levels.

Akira Kurosawa's Main Works

Most of the famous works by Akira Kurosawa worked as a director in his jidaigeki movies and period piece dramas like Yojimbo, 'The Hidden Fortress, and Seven Samurai. These titles are astounding achievements in the film industry.

Ikiru and Drunken Angel

Tiles such as Ikiru and Drunken Angel are some of the most fascinating feats of being a filmmaker. It is an incredible visual sensibility, a knack, and a gift of captivating drama by Kurosawa, absorbing complicated roles still alive and steering in mid-20th century society.

What is 'I Live In Fear'?

'I Live In Fear' trails the patterns of Stray Dog and Ikiru in the pantheon of Kurosawa in modern cinematic works. It focuses on a man called Kiichi Nakajima or Toshiro Mifune. Nakajima's mind is consumed by one singular thought of 'atomic bombs.

Nakajima Is Plagued By Paranoia

After witnessing the horrors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Nakajima struggles with paranoia due to escalating advances in nuclear warfare. The loud noise or clap of thunder makes him believe that the atomic apocalypse is around the corner.

Nakajima Crafted A Gargantuan Bomb

The Kurosawa Classic, I Live In Fear, Is The Perfect Watch After Oppenheimer675
(The Kurosawa Classic, I Live In Fear, Is The Perfect Watch After Oppenheimer /Image Credits: Passion for Movies)

Nakajima was plagued by worries about the future and initially set his sights on building a huge Gargantuan bomb shelter. His worries were escalating, later decided to travel to Brazil to escape any potential nuclear fallout.

Nakajima's Behaviour

Family members dismiss Nakajima's behavior as paranoia, with Kurosawa, Hashimoto, and Oguni presenting a nuanced view of the relationship between the psychologically torn character and his loved ones in the script.