The Power Of Veto Ceremony Results For Week 6 Of Big Brother 25 Are Now Announced
(The Power of Veto Ceremony results for Week 6 of Big Brother 25 are now announced/Image Credits: Sportskeeda, Reality Titbit, Hollywood Life)

The Power of Veto ceremony for the 25th season of Big Brother has been conducted, and the victor, Jared Fields, has chosen not to exercise it to save either of the nominees, Izzy Gleicher or Felicia Cannon, from being evicted.

The Head of Household, Cameron Hardin, caused a stir by nominating Izzy and Felicia rather than the anticipated Jag Bains and Blue Kim. Following Jared's victory in the veto competition hosted by Josh Duhamel, the upcoming show's presenter, Cameron disclosed his intention to backdoor Cirie. Here is some news to know

Removed from participation in the game

As Jared is Cirie's son, he knew deploying the Power of Veto was not a viable option this week. The live feeds for Big Brother 25 revealed that Jared chose not to use the Power of Veto, indicating that either Izzy or Felicia will be the next houseguest to depart.

They will join the roster of evicted Big Brother 25 housemates, which includes Reilly Smedley, Hisam Goueli, and Red Utley. Jag was subjected to eviction in the fourth week, however, he was rescued by Matt Klotz through the utilization of the Power of Invincibility. Furthermore, Luke Valentine was expelled from the game for using the n-word.

Prefer the eviction of Felicia instead

Cameron desires Izzy's departure from the Big Brother 25 house. However, the decision is no longer within his purview. During his initial HOH, he intended to backdoor her, but his comrade, Red, dissuaded him from doing so. Nevertheless, Cameron's cohabitants seem to prefer the eviction of Felicia instead. 

Cirie has conveyed her mistrust of Felicia due to the latter's inadvertent disclosure of certain secrets. Additionally, Felicia erred by informing Jared that she would rather reach the end with him than Cirie, which he subsequently relayed to his mother.

Also Read : Big Brother 25, Episode 6 Recap

Suggested the possibility of a noteworthy declaration

The house appears to be aligned with Cirie's wishes. Hence, it shall come to pass if she desires Felicia's eviction. During the live Big Brother episode on Thursday night, host Julie Chen Moonves hinted at a significant announcement that would impact this year's jury. 

The jury will likely be larger this year and commence with this eviction. Alternatively, the show may emulate earlier seasons where every houseguest was eligible to vote for the winner.

It would constitute a substantial loss

It would constitute a substantial loss
(It would constitute a substantial loss/Image Credits: Showbiz Cheat Sheet)

Although the evicted houseguests are not currently sequestered, they could still cast their votes if the show revisits Danielle Reyes' Big Brother season 3 loss. Felicia's potential eviction from the Big Brother house would undoubtedly be a significant loss for the show's devoted followers. 

Her unwavering competitiveness, astute strategic prowess, and charming personality have made her a fan favourite. Notably, during her tenure as Head of Household, she executed a masterful blindside and backdoor manoeuvre against Hisam, a formidable adversary.

Also Read : Big Brother Season 25 - Contestant Removed for Using N-Word! What Happened Next Will Astound You

Announcements are certain to be produced

Additionally, Felicia has made history as the oldest female contestant to participate in the game. Given that Izzy is the sole individual privy to the knowledge that Cirie and Jared are mother and son, it may be logical for them to target her for eviction. 

Nevertheless, Felicia has demonstrated unwavering loyalty to the duo. The upcoming eviction and Julie's subsequent announcement are sure to generate excitement and profoundly impact the trajectory of Big Brother 25.