There a lot of fun trivia facts about your favourite series you probably didn’t know about. From Friends to The Office continue reading to find out  some interesting facts you probably didn't know!


Reality Show Trivia: Surprising Facts About Your Favorite Series
(Friends/Image Credits:Binge)

Even years after its premiere, Friends is still one of the most interesting comedy series to watch. But what you don’t know was that there was a huge chance that Jennifer Aniston wasn't going to get to play Rachel because of another pilot she was in. So while they were shooting the show's promo photos, she was asked to step out of some of the pictures in case she didn't end up being in the show.

2.The Sopranos

Reality Show Trivia: Surprising Facts About Your Favorite Series
(The Sopranos/Image Credits:BuzzFeed)

The funny fact about the sopranos series was that Brett Wicks, who designed the logo for the show, originally thought the movie was about singers, not mobsters and was creating a logo to that effect. Upon discovering that the show was about mobsters, he felt it was important for the logo to kill the misconception he himself had about the movie and portray the right feeling to viewers which is why he added a gun in the now iconic logo.

3.The Office

Reality Show Trivia: Surprising Facts About Your Favorite Series
(The Office/Image Credits:People)

The office is one comedy series that filled our teenage years with laughter. But fun fact! Phyllis Smith, who plays Phyllis Vance, was never meant to be in the movie. In fact she was just an assistant casting director for the show but when producers saw her reading lines with actors during auditions they loved her charisma so much that she was offered the role.

4.The Flintstones

Reality Show Trivia: Surprising Facts About Your Favorite Series
(The Flintstones/Image Credits:Flickr, BuzzFeed)

In the show Flinstones, Pebbles was originally meant to be a boy until a sponsoring toy company mentioned that a girl would make more money because they could sell Pebbles dolls. And guess what? The toy company was right! Just two months after the release of Flintstones the company sold dolls worth over $3 million.

5.Happy Days

Reality Show Trivia: Surprising Facts About Your Favorite Series
(Happy Days/Image Credits:BuzzFeed)

Ron Howard who starred in Happy days only accepted the role in the pilot of the show to avoid being drafted for the Vietnam War. According to Howard, he had a horrible draft number (41 or 42), and, because the government wasn't accepting college deferment anymore, he decided to audition for a movie role so he could defer his war draft by claiming he had to work.

6.A Different World

Reality Show Trivia: Surprising Facts About Your Favorite Series
(A Different World/Image

If you’ve watched a different world, you would notice that the actors had a deep sense of understanding of their characters, and the script was written in a very relatable way. According to an inside source, to achieve this fit and to keep the show authentic, the producer/director of the show Debbie Allen, who went to Howard University, took the writing staff on field trips to Morehouse College and Spelman College in Atlanta so they could actually see and experience what it felt like to school in a black college. 

7.Sex and the City

Reality Show Trivia: Surprising Facts About Your Favorite Series
(Sex and the City/Image Credits:Daily Mail,FLOOD Magazine)

Sex and city has one big editing error you can notice only when you closely pay attention. In the opening sequence of the movie, the bus that splashes Carrie is full of passengers, but after the bus passes, the people have magically disappeared.

8.The Jeffersons

Reality Show Trivia: Surprising Facts About Your Favorite Series
(The Jeffersons/Image Credits:Variety)

Lastly, in the TV show Jeffersons, Maria Gibbs who played Florence kept her job at United Airlines in customer service for two years while she was still filming for the show. Sometimes when customers would call, they would recognize her voice over the phone.