Not Just An Actor 

Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion
(Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion /Image Credits:Hindustan Times)

He developed a passion for flying in life. However, Harrison Ford embraced it enthusiastically. Claimed that he flew his planes frequently as he drove his classic cars.
The actor began taking flying lessons at the age of 52 and over the years the renowned Indiana Jones star has built a collection of aircraft.
As a   Ford keeps his planes at Santa Monica Airport. Coincidentally it was from this airport that he took off in his two-seater PT 22 before the crash on a nearby Venice golf course last Thursday.

Lately, Harrison Ford has been spotted times piloting his silver and yellow PT 22 two-seater plane to and from Santa Monica Airport.

Flying, A Real Life Adventure 

Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion
(Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion /Image Credits:Fighteraces)

Ford once described learning to fly as a real-life adventure that brought him freedom and joy. Interestingly he has survived crashes throughout the years.
The Ryan PT 22 Recruit, known for its metallic body with striking yellow accents, was originally built in 1942 as a training aircraft for the U.S. Army Air Corps.
Ford was frequently seen operating this plane at Santa Monica Airport. Was recently photographed in it just one week ago on Friday, February 27th.
During an interview with The Mail On Sunday in 2010 the renowned actor from Blade Runner and Star Wars discussed his passion for flying and shared insights about the aircraft in his collection.
The actor, who is 72 years old, stores his assortment of airplanes at Santa Monica Airport. Regularly pilots them to and from his ranch in Wyoming.

Planes As Possessions 

Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion
(Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion /Image Credits:Flight Sim Wiki - Fandom)

Ford, who is also an actor, possesses a range jet called Citation Sovereign. He also owns a turboprop aircraft operating on airstrips and a single-engine bush plane called de Havilland DHC 2 Beaver.
Additionally, he owns an open-top biplane known as Waco Taperwing from 1929. Moreover, Ford has an Aviat Husky, a fabric-covered bush plane with two seats as a Bell 407 helicopter.
In 1999 during a training session along the Lake Piru riverbed northeast of Los Angeles Ford was piloting his helicopter when it encountered difficulty during landing.
I enjoy flying all my planes; that's why I have such a collection, said the renowned Indiana Jones star. His collection includes an Aviat Husky, a Canadian de Havilland Beaver, multiple Cessnas, an open-top biplane from 1929, and even a Bell helicopter.
Upon landing on gravel terrain the aircraft began sliding forward until one of its skids collided with a partially embedded log and toppled onto its side.
Fortunately, both the actor and his instructor emerged unharmed despite damage to the helicopter.
He later made a remark about the incident mentioning that it presented him with an opportunity to purchase a helicopter.

Helping Others Through Passion 

Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion
(Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion /Image Credits:ABC News)

The celebrity frequently relies on his jet to transport his wife, actress Calista Flockhart, and their son Liam to locations.
Ford once compared crashing a plane to scraping a bumper. Remarked that he utilized his planes frequently as he did his cars.
In 2010 he mentioned that he has a passion for flying and enjoys flying up the coast to grab a cheeseburger.
The famous Hollywood actor frequently uses his helicopter to travel between his Wyoming ranch and other locations. He has also used his helicopter to assist Search and Rescue teams in locating missing hikers.

On two occasions Ford has provided assistance to search and rescue teams by using his helicopter. In one instance he even rescued a hiker.
Ford has generously donated his flying skills to profit organizations such as Operation Smile and the Special Olympics. He flew personnel and supplies to Haiti following the earthquake in 2010.
As a father of five Ford has actively participated in two rescues. He played a role in evacuating both a missing hiker and a Boy Scout in incidents back in 2001.

Apart from flying, Ford also finds joy in collecting cars and motorcycles. His collection includes around twelve motorcycles, including BMWs, Harleys, Hondas and Triumphs.
Furthermore, Ford owns some cars well. One notable piece is a rare forest green convertible Jaguar XK 140 from 1955, with an estimated value of $150,000.
Ford is happily married to actress Calista Flockhart. They have a son named Liam.

A Family of Fliers 

Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion
(Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion /Image Credits:People)

In 1998 Harrison Ford revealed to PEOPLE that his favorite place to be was up, in the sky.
For me, it's not about the excitement; it's more about the sense of accomplishment in acquiring a skill. I wasn't even sure if I could still learn anything he shared. I truly appreciate the responsibilities that come with flying. The destinations, the people you encounter, and the breathtaking views... It's where I find myself fully engaged, comfortable, and liberated. Aviation has become a part of my life.

Despite obtaining his pilot's license at 54 years old this acclaimed actor renowned for his roles as Indiana Jones and Han Solo was drawn to mastering something as challenging as taking to the skies.

I had always been closely associated with my profession and while I enjoy it immensely and have respect for it, acting has its unique freedom and responsibility,  he explained in an interview with Downwind magazine in 1999. However flying provided me with an opportunity to establish an identity apart from being Harrison Ford, the actor.

In 1999 Ford experienced a helicopter crash in a dry lake bed of Los Angeles due to engine failure.
In 2008 during our practice of power recovery autorotations, we experienced a failure resulting in a rough landing. Fortunately, I was accompanied by another aviator. We both emerged unharmed, from the incident. The incident hasn't deterred either of us from continuing to fly.

Neither of these incidents dampened Ford's enthusiasm. He along, with his wife, actress Calista Flockhart, and their 14-year-old son Liam embraced his passion for flying.

Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion
(Exploring Harrison Ford’s Love for Flying: Aviation His Passion /Image Credits:AOPA,Parade)

In 2003 Ford shared with PEOPLE magazine that Calista enjoys flying as I do. It's an experience to have someone who appreciates it and shares the excitement with me. Liam also has a love for flying. Calista enjoys the process of observing the world from above and witnessing my joy. I believe she takes pleasure in seeing me engaged in something I love.

Ford has always been eager to ignite passion in others, and individuals. During his time as the Young Eagles Chairman of the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA), he initiated a scholarship program to empower people to pursue their dreams of aviation at any level.

Pilots value their lives and are willing to put in work, for the responsibility entrusted upon them by others, he expressed to Downwind magazine. "Flying gives me a sense of freedom. Allows me to appreciate the beauty of three-dimensional space.''We exist within a realm of two dimensions when we stand firmly on the earth's surface and ascending to the heavens is an occurrence that revitalizes one's outlook. Taking flight is perpetually an exhilarating endeavor. I take pleasure in the companionship of fellow aviators. I also relish the solitude of soaring solo though it is pleasant to have a companion who can appreciate my landings.