Here's Everything You Need To Know About Kate Gosselin's Parenting And Family Struggles
(Here's Everything You Need To Know About Kate Gosselin's Parenting And Family Struggles:creadits/ People)

Kate Gosselin is an American Television Personality. She appeared on the  reality television series  Jon and Kate Plus Eight which was a family show that took a deep dive in her and Jon’s relationship as a couple and how they raised their family of twins and sextuplets. Her eight children include Mady, Cara, Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel. Their show aired from 2007 to 2017.

Divorce and custody battle

Divorce and custody battle
(Divorce and custody battle:creadits/ Us Weekly)

In 2009, Kate filed for divorce when there were allegations made against Jon, her husband. The couple however decided to end the relationship with mutual respect for the sake of their children. After they finalised their divorce, Kate and Jon were somehow stuck in a long custody battle for their kids. Kate received primary custody of all eight kids but the two Hannah and Collin found themselves living with their dad full time, while the other six children had almost no contact with their father. In 2023, their kids graduated from respective colleges and highschools. Jon told the People magazine that he only attended one ceremony.

Their children

Their children
(Their children:creadits/ Times Herald-Record )

Now that all their children are mature legal adults, their parents remain estranged after the nasty custody battle.“At this point the chance of coparenting with my ex has likely come to an end,” Jon expressed to Us Weekly in a scheduled interview  in May 2023. “There is a sense of relief for me that they can move on, into adulthood without the stigma of mom and dad attending family court.” Most of their children are little to no contact with their father but have always been seen meeting their mom every now and then. They have also publicly released statements to not start a feud in their family that dated back to their childhood. They wish to be left in peace.


(Writing:creadits/ Daily Ma)

Kate is also an author who has written three non fiction books. One of her first books was written with her ex husband and published in 2008, titled Multiple Blessings. It went on the number five spot at the NewYork Times Best Sellers List and sold over more than 50,000 copies till the year 2009. Later the same year, she released her second book Eight Little Faces which also debuted at number five on the NewYork Times Best Sellers List. Her third book was released in 2010 titled I Just Want You To Know which sold over more than ten thousand copies in the United States reaching number eleven on the NewYork Times Best Sellers List.