A Badass Woman

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine Is Set To Collaborate With Sophie Morgan
(A Badass Woman/Image Credits:OK! Magazine)


Reese who is famous as a ‘badass woman’ will be working alongside Loose Women Panelist Sophie Morgan. Morgan, who is also an advocate for disabled community, is excited to work with Reese who is known as someone who knows how to do the important things in her life, things that matter.

 Lady of powerhouse

Sophie shared positive words about Reese saying that she is a powerhouse and is treasured and known by all. She shared that whatever she is doing in her capacity for disabled people aligns with her values and work ethics. She needs a person just like Reese who knows what should be done for the community who are dependent on us.

 Hello Sunshine

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine Is Set To Collaborate With Sophie Morgan
(Hello Sunshine/Image Credits:The Hollywood Reporter)

Sophie could not control her excitement when she was told that ‘Hello Sunshine’ that tells untold stories of women is interested in working with her. She wanted to work with someone who could feel the pain of people whose life is dependent on us.

 Who wants to miss such an opportunity?

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine Is Set To Collaborate With Sophie Morgan
( Who wants to miss such an opportunity?/Image Credits:The Irish Sun)

According to Sophie, she had been waiting for such an opportunity and now when luck has knocked at her door, she does not want to miss any chance to ignore it. She recalled a funny moment from Reese’s office where there was a picture hanging saying ‘do epic shit’ and she smiled to herself saying this is what we both plan to do.

 A rebellious kid

Reese had always been vocal about what used to disturb her mentally. She was that outspoken kid who figured out quite early in her life what she wanted from her life. Although Witherspoon was good at academics and extracurricular activities still, she was vocal about her opinions and used to raise voices about what mattered her even if it had to be her school teachers.

 An advocate for needy people

After two decades later Witherspoon has become an advocate and a business woman who has launched her own company who fights for every person in need whether he belongs to a different race, belongs to LGBTQ people or people with any form of disability.

Their hard work paid off when the government passed the law for protecting the rights of disabled people, especially when they will be traveling by air.

 A woman who felt for other women

Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine Is Set To Collaborate With Sophie Morgan
(  A woman who felt for other women/Image Credits:ABC)

Witherspoon shared that she got tired of working as a lead actress in movies, the only one who was famous on sets. She shared the thought of portraying women as villains used to make her sick. She said she wanted to do something for such women and to wake them up from slumber so that they know their worth. Reese who was once quite famous on HBO, has won 7 Emmy awards in just one year has also produced a series with Nicole Kidman.