The Beatles left behind an unparalleled catalog brimming with masterpieces as the most influential band in pop history. Their era-defining songs demonstrated songwriting and musical artistry at the highest levels. The Beatles' timeless recordings are still cherished worldwide even decades later. Here is our countdown of the top 10 Beatles songs to revisit their groundbreaking contributions that exemplify the band's magic and enduring brilliance.

List of Top 10 Best Beatles Songs

Below is a table with Beatles top 10 hits along with their album names:

Sr. No. Song Name Album Name
1 While My Guitar Gently Weeps (1968) The Beatles
2 I Want to Hold Your Hand (1963) Meet The Beatles!
3 Something (1969) Abbey Road
4 Let It Be (1970) Let It Be
5 Strawberry Fields Forever (1967) Magical Mystery Tour
6 Yesterday (1965) Help!
7 A Day in the Life (1967) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
8 Come Together (1969) Abbey Road
9 Hey Jude (1968) Hey Jude
10 In My Life (1965) Rubber Soul

1 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (1968)

While My Guitar Gently Weeps (1968)
(While My Guitar Gently Weeps (1968)/ Image Credits: Café Brasil)
  • Release Date: November 22, 1968
  • Genre: Rock
  • Songwriter(s): George Harrison

While My Guitar Gently Weeps was one of the Beatles' most contemplative songs. The dark yet poignant track features Harrison's lead guitar weeping gently via volume swells. His existential lyrics question human suffering and compassion. The song is elevated by an unforgettable guitar solo from Eric Clapton who Harrison specifically recruited. A high point in The Beatles' catalog While My Guitar Gently Weeps demonstrated Harrison's songwriting brilliance.

2 - I Want to Hold Your Hand (1963)

I Want to Hold Your Hand (1963)
( I Want to Hold Your Hand (1963) / Image Credits:The Paul McCartney Project,National Portrait Gallery )
  • Release Date: November 29, 1963
  • Genre: Pop rock
  • Songwriter(s): John Lennon, Paul McCartney

I Want to Hold Your Hand launched Beatlemania in the United States. This song is their first #1 hit in America and became their breakthrough stateside smash. Its infectious melody and innocent lyrics celebrating hand-holding captured the giddy excitement of young love. The song embodied the youthful exuberance at the heart of early Beatles pop propelled by Ringo Starr’s forceful drumming. This effervescent classic remains one of their most joyous and iconic hits.

3 - Something (1969)

Something (1969)
(Something (1969) / Image Credits: IMDb)
  • Release Date: October 6, 1969
  • Genre: Pop rock
  • Songwriter(s): George Harrison

Something is considered one of The Beatles' finest love songs. Its opening line Something in the way she moves is one of Harrison’s most famous lyrics. The ballad swells with romantic strings and transcendent vocals. It became the first Harrison composition to top the charts as the A-side to the single containing Come Together. Frank Sinatra once dubbed Something the greatest love song ever written. This masterful song demonstrated Harrison’s songwriting equaling Lennon and McCartney.

4 - Let It Be (1970)

Let It Be (1970)
(Let It Be (1970) / Image Credits: Hake's - Auctions)
  • Release Date: March 20, 1970
  • Genre: Rock
  • Songwriter(s): Paul McCartney

The Beatles’ Let It Be album and title track were released shortly after their breakup in 1970. A piano-driven ballad Let It Be had a bittersweet quality. The gospel-influenced song urges letting go and finding solace during trying times. It provided a fitting swan song touching on optimism and perseverance. The poignant track topped charts globally earning the Beatles their 20th and final #1 hit. A deserved classic Let It Be ranks among McCartney's most celebrated compositions.

5 - Strawberry Fields Forever (1967)

Strawberry Fields Forever (1967)
(Strawberry Fields Forever (1967) / Image Credits: IMDb)
  • Release Date: February 13, 1967
  • Genre: Psychedelic rock
  • Songwriter(s): John Lennon

This song is named after an orphanage Strawberry Fields Forever near John Lennon's childhood home. This song was a psychedelic reflection on his past. Lennon's dreamy lyrics and the band's inventive production created an immersive atmosphere. Their studio experimentation resulted in two distinct versions that were spliced together. The complex track exemplified The Beatles' studio innovation during their creative peak. Strawberry Fields Forever stands among The Beatles' most experimental and groundbreaking works today.

6 - Yesterday (1965)

Yesterday (1965)
(Yesterday (1965) / Image Credits: The Beatles Bible)
  • Release Date: September 13, 1965
  • Genre: Pop
  • Songwriter(s): Paul McCartney

Yesterday spotlighted Paul McCartney's masterful songwriting and is by far the most covered song in history. This melancholy originally titled Scrambled Eggs ballad ponders lost love and the passage of time. McCartney's vocals accompanied by only an acoustic guitar created a stripped-down folk feel. It signaled their increasing studio experimentation as their first single relying on non-Beatles instrumentation. Yesterday confirmed McCartney's ability to write timeless standards rivaling classics of past eras.

7 - A Day in the Life (1967)

A Day in the Life (1967)
(A Day in the Life (1967) / Image Credits: In Review Online )
  • Release Date: June 1, 1967
  • Genre: Psychedelic pop, art rock
  • Songwriter(s): John Lennon, Paul McCartney

A Day in the Life closed The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper album and is regarded as a pioneering masterpiece. Lennon's I read the news today section was joined with McCartney's optimistic middle part. Their fragmented lyrics were glued together by epic orchestral crescendos. This complex composition exemplified The Beatles' creative boundary-pushing vision. Their inventive production and poignant existential themes made A Day in the Life a sophisticated work of art pop. It stands today as perhaps their single most ambitious and brilliant studio achievement.

8 - Come Together (1969)

Come Together (1969)
( Come Together (1969)/ Image Credits: 2 Loud 2 Old Music )
  • Release Date: October 6, 1969
  • Genre: Rock
  • Songwriter(s): John Lennon

Come Together spotlighted John Lennon's vivid lyrical imagery. Lennon's cryptic wordplay depicted a unique character inspired by campaign slogans. His singing flowed hypnotically against a funky rhythm section. The bluesy rocker exemplified the Beatles tight ensemble playing and innovative production during their later years. Come Together propelled by Paul McCartney's superb bass work gave Abbey Road an edgy contemporary energy that still feels ahead of its time.

9 - Hey Jude (1968)

Hey Jude (1968)
(Hey Jude (1968) / Image Credits: IMDb)
  • Release Date: August 26, 1968
  • Genre: Rock
  • Songwriter(s): Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney's sprawling, anthemic Hey Jude lasted over seven minutes making it the longest Beatles single ever. The song extended singalong finale became one of the band defining moments. McCartney wrote it to comfort John Lennon's son during his parents divorce. Its timeless message of hope touched the world. Hey Jude became The Beatles' biggest hit topping charts globally and one of the most beloved songs by any artist. Its epic qualities make it a unifying crowd-pleaser even today.

10 - In My Life (1965)

In My Life (1965)
(In My Life (1965)/ Image Credits: Sheet Music Plus)
  • Release Date: December 3, 1965
  • Genre: Pop rock
  • Songwriter(s): John Lennon, Paul McCartney

Ranked among The Beatles most personal works In My Life appeared on their 1965 album Rubber Soul. John Lennon nostalgic lyrics reflected on cherished memories from childhood to the present. Unique baroque piano soloing added sophisticated character. The introspective song displayed the band's growing maturity representing a creative leap forward. In My Life demonstrated The Beatles transitioning from pop stars to true artists expressing timeless sentiments with its poignant nostalgia and innovative production.


The Beatles catalog brims with immortal songs that helped revolutionize pop music and culture. Their immense influence stretches on decades later. We hope this list inspired you to revisit The Beatles game-changing contributions. These 10 songs illustrate why The Beatles remain pop's most innovative, impactful and admired band of all time. Their unmatched brilliance lives on for every new generation to discover.


What is the most covered Beatles song?

By far the most covered Beatles song is Yesterday with over 2.2K recorded versions by other artists. It highlights Paul McCartney's impressive songwriting that created such a timeless standard.

What was The Beatles' first #1 hit song?

The Beatles first #1 hit song in both the UK and the United States was I Want to Hold Your Hand in 1964. Its popularity launched the phenomenon known as Beatlemania.

What is the best-selling Beatles song?

The best-selling Beatles song is Hey Jude with estimated sales of over 9 million copies worldwide. Its 7-minute epic length did not prevent it from topping charts globally in 1968.

How many #1 hit did The Beatles have?

The Beatles achieved 20 #1 hit singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in the United States during their career more than any other artist. Their dominance of the American charts exemplified their revolutionary cultural impact.

What was the last #1 hit song by The Beatles?

The last #1 hit song by The Beatles was The Long and Winding Road which topped the Billboard Hot 100 for two weeks in June 1970.