Historical and time travel movies can sometimes be carped for their precision but most of the time they can prove to bring a win-win situation at box office. As the name suggests such movies revolve around past incidents and time periods and are a blend of drama, adventure and mostly biopics of famous people.

HBO Max shows movies from all genres but the following are the list of historical films that were loved and appreciated by the audience.

1- Oslo - 2021

Barltett Sher directed the historical drama movie and its screenplay is written by J.T Rogers.  The movie is based on Roger’s play of the same name. The cast includes Andrew Scott, Ruth Wilson, and Jeff Wilbusch. The movie is about the Oslo Accords which was a pair of agreements between Israel and Palestinian Liberation Organization. The conciliation was done secretly between two states. The purpose of the agreement was to bring harmony among the two states.

2- Pawn Sacrifice – 2014

Pawn Sacrifice is a biopic of chess player Bobby Fischer. The movie is directed by Edward Zwick. Booby’s role is played by Tobey Maguire who faced challenges from Soviet chess masters during the World Chess Championship took place in 1972. The movie is quite entertaining and exciting and also overwhelmed the viewers when they watched Tobey (Bobby) making sacrifices for its beloved game, chess. The movie’s simplicity will make you fall in love with it and it’s a slow-paced appealing movie for historic movie fans.

3- Unbroken – 2014

The movie is adapted from writer Laura Hillenbrand’s nonfiction book of the same name. The movie is directed by none other than the incredible Angelina Jolie and its screenplay is written by a bunch of amazing writers such as Coen Brothers, Richard LaGravenese and William Nicholson. The movie is about real life former Olympian Louis, ‘Louie Zamperini’ who became a prisoner during World War II in japan. The movie shows the struggles of Louie as an athlete and especially how he fought back for his survival in the war camp. The movie got so much fame and recognition that its sequel was released in 2018.

4- The Queen – 2006

As the name suggests, ‘The Queen’ is a British biopic of Queen directed by Stephen Frears. The movie has big names such as Helen Mirren who played the role of Queen Elizabeth II, Michael Sheen, James Cromwell, and Helen McCrory. The movie focuses on incidents and events that took place after Diana’s death. The queen wanted to keep the incident low with then prime Minister, Prince Charles and British people. The movie was a treat to watch for those who wanted to know what happened in reality behind closed doors and the consequences of Diana’s death on people.

5- 42 – 2013

As the number says 42, it is evident that it’s a sports related movie written and directed by Brian Helgeland. The movie is about the first Black baseball athlete Jackie Robinson who made its mark in Major League Baseball. Jackie’s role has been played by Chadwick Boseman. The movie focuses on Chadwick’s (Jackie) struggles he faced to make its name and create an identity for himself in the baseball team. The movie gives a lot of passion and boosts the morale of young black men who are trying to excel in their lives whether in sports or any other field.

6- 300 -2006

This is a historical and action movie that is adapted from Frank Miller and Lynn Varley’s comic book of the same name that was published in 1998. The movie is directed by Zack Synder who gained a lot of fame for his directorial abilities. The movie talks about King Leonidas played by Gerard Butler. The story is about war against the Persian ‘God King’ Xerxes army and King Leonidas' 300 Spartan soldiers. Spartan’s courage, passion and fight against more than 300,000 soldiers has been shown through brilliant cinematography. 300 is a masterpiece and the most epic historical movie with jaw dropping visuals.  
Also Read: The Dark Knight's Legacy: All Batman Movies In Order From 1989 To 2023: Explore The Complete Chronological List

7- Dunkirk – 2017

Another movie based on war and drama directed by Christopher Nolan is Dunkirk. The movie is about the famous Dunkirk evacuation during World War II. The movie shows some real-life visuals of people evacuating through land, sea and air.
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