The 1980s produced some of the most iconic and enduring films in cinema history. From blockbuster franchises and coming-of-age classics to fantasy adventures and comedies, the decade marked an era of bold storytelling, technical innovation and imaginative visions. These top 20 80s movies transport audiences back to one of film's most celebrated chapters.

Spanning comedy, drama, action and sci-fi, the top 20 80s films reveal groundbreaking directors and talent at their peak. Many launched lucrative franchises or defined beloved genres for years to come. Above all, the movies on this list have persevered in popularity due to relatable characters, quotable dialogue and cultural impact unmatched by passing trends. Revisit the neon-colored, genre-bending, coming-of-age world of top 20 grossing movies of the 80s with these legendary classics.

Top 20 Movies From The 80s (1980-89)

Before going into details of each movie separately, we have compiled a list of all the top 20 1980s movies in the following table. You can jump to any song details by clicking its name from the following table.

Sr. No.

Movie Name (Year)



E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

Science Fiction


The Goonies (1985)

Adventure, Comedy


The Princess Bride (1987)

Fantasy, Adventure


The Breakfast Club (1985)

Comedy, Drama


Mad Max 2 (1981)

Science Fiction, Thriller


Back to the Future (1985)

Science Fiction, Comedy


Stand by Me (1986)

Drama, Coming-of-Age


Aliens (1986)

Science Fiction, Action


Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)

Fantasy, Mystery


Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Action, Adventure


The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Science Fiction, Adventure


Labyrinth (1986)

Fantasy, Adventure


Beetlejuice (1988)

Fantasy, Comedy


The Terminator (1984)

Science Fiction, Action


The Shining (1980)

Horror, Psychological


Brazil (1985)

Science Fiction, Satire


The Untouchables (1987)

Crime, Drama


Ghostbusters (1984)

Fantasy, Comedy


Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)

Comedy, Coming-of-Age


Big (1988)

Fantasy, Comedy

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1 - E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) - top 20 80s movies
[E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: YouTube)]
  • Lead actors: Henry Thomas as Elliott, Drew Barrymore as Gertie
  • Director: Steven Spielberg
  • Release date: June 11, 1982
  • Runtime: 115 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.8
  • Box office: $792 million
  • Language: English

Steven Spielberg's deeply moving sci-fi drama about a lonely boy befriending a stranded alien cemented the director's reputation as a master of wonder and emotional storytelling. When 10-year-old Elliott meets and shelters E.T., their profound friendship teaches Elliott about courage and forging connections.

Spielberg draws nuanced performances from a young cast, especially Henry Thomas as the boy forging a poignant bond with E.T. Complex techniques like having E.T.'s expressions mimic the actors ensured the puppet felt like a fully-realized character. Full of innocence, wisdom and humor, E.T. captured the hearts of all ages.

| Also Read: top 20 sci-fi movies

2 - The Goonies (1985)

The Goonies (1985) - top 20 80s movies
[The Goonies (1985) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Etsy)]
  • Lead actors: Sean Astin as Mikey, Josh Brolin as Brand
  • Director: Richard Donner
  • Release date: June 7, 1985
  • Runtime: 114 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.8
  • Box office: $124 million
  • Language: English

Richard Donner directed this treasured adventure film about a group of friends from the Goonies who seek pirate treasure to save their homes. Led by Mikey and Brand, the ragtag kids find clever booby traps, slippery foes and excitement galore. The Goonies blends thrilling danger with enduring friendship.

Sean Astin and Josh Brolin lead the charismatic adolescent cast through swashbuckling mishaps and misadventures. Charming special effects and lovable characters like clumsy Chunk and creepy Mama Fratelli make The Goonies a constantly engaging journey ideal for kids and adults alike.

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3 - The Princess Bride (1987)

The Princess Bride (1987) - top 20 80s movies
[The Princess Bride (1987) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Christ and Pop Culture)]
  • Lead actors: Cary Elwes as Westley, Robin Wright as Princess Buttercup
  • Director: Rob Reiner
  • Release date: September 25, 1987
  • Runtime: 98 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 8.0
  • Box office: $30.9 million
  • Language: English

Rob Reiner crafted an instant fairy tale classic in The Princess Bride, adapting William Goldman's novel into a clever, ironic twist on the fantasy genre. When Westley must rescue his true love, Princess Buttercup, from an evil prince, the film satirizes familiar tropes while retaining a romantic heart.

Cary Elwes and Robin Wright have undeniable chemistry as the central couple, equally matched by Mandy Patinkin as vengeful swordsman Inigo Montoya, Wallace Shawn as scheming Vizzini and André the Giant as gentle Fezzik. Quotable and irreverent, The Princess Bride reigns as a crowd-pleasing adventure for the ages.

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4 - The Breakfast Club (1985)

The Breakfast Club (1985) - top 20 80s movies
[The Breakfast Club (1985) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: MUBI)]
  • Lead actors: Emilio Estevez as Andrew Clark, Molly Ringwald as Claire Standish
  • Director: John Hughes
  • Release date: February 15, 1985
  • Runtime: 97 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.8
  • Box office: $51.5 million
  • Language: English

John Hughes' teen drama about a group of kids enduring Saturday detention shaped countless coming-of-age stories. As students from different cliques bond over their struggles, The Breakfast Club examines themes of generational misunderstanding, peer pressure and finding your identity.

With empathetic writing and performances, Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald, Ally Sheedy, Judd Nelson and Anthony Michael Hall embody their characters' angst and dreams. Their dance scene to Simple Minds' "Don't You (Forget About Me)" concluded an insightful film that resonates with anyone navigating adolescence.

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5 - Mad Max 2 (1981)

Mad Max 2 (1981) - top 20 80s movies
[Mad Max 2 (1981) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: TV Insider)]
  • Lead actor: Mel Gibson as Max Rockatansky
  • Supporting actors: Bruce Spence as The Gyro Captain, Vernon Wells as Wez
  • Director: George Miller
  • Release date: December 24, 1981
  • Runtime: 96 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.6
  • Box office: $23.7 million
  • Language: English

George Miller's explosive post-apocalyptic thrill ride fired up the cult classic Mad Max franchise, catapulting Mel Gibson to stardom as brooding road warrior Max Rockatansky. In the harsh Australian outback where gasoline and water are scarce, Max gets caught between marauding bands seeking an oil refinery.

With gritty biker gangs and staggering stunt work, Mad Max 2 carved a gripping, visually striking view of society's violent collapse. The nonstop vehicular mayhem and stark outback vistas launched a trend of dark, action-packed dystopian cinema.

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6 - Back to the Future (1985)

Back to the Future (1985) - top 20 80s movies
[Back to the Future (1985) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Parkway Theater)]
  • Lead actors: Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly, Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Emmett Brown
  • Director: Robert Zemeckis
  • Release date: July 3, 1985
  • Runtime: 116 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 8.5
  • Box office: $389.1 million
  • Language: English

Director Robert Zemeckis and writer Bob Gale crafted an enduring pop culture phenomenon in Back to the Future, a witty and complex time travel tale powered by dazzling performances. When teen Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) uses Dr. Brown's (Christopher Lloyd) time machine to visit the 1950s, he must ensure his parents still meet and fall in love.

Blending comedy, action, romance and thought-provoking what-ifs, Back to the Future remains impossible not to love thanks to Fox and Lloyd's chemistry. The Oscar-winning special effects still impress, but this gem's incredible storytelling makes time irrelevant.

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7 - Stand by Me (1986)

Stand by Me (1986) - top 20 80s movies
[Stand by Me (1986) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Movie Rewind)]
  • Lead actors: Wil Wheaton as Gordie Lachance, River Phoenix as Chris Chambers
  • Director: Rob Reiner
  • Release date: August 22, 1986
  • Runtime: 89 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 8.1
  • Box office: $52 million
  • Language: English

Rob Reiner sensitively adapted Stephen King's novella into this pastoral coming-of-age story about four boys on a hike to find a dead body. Against late 1950s small-town life in Oregon, the journey stirs up revelations about mortality, individuality and the tumult of adolescence.

Exceptional young talent Wil Wheaton, River Phoenix, Corey Feldman and Jerry O'Connell capture this evocative, nostalgic snapshot of youth at a crossroads. Humorous and bittersweet, Stand By Me remains one of the decade's most affecting dramas.

8 - Aliens (1986)

Aliens (1986) - top 20 80s movies
[Aliens (1986) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: TV Insider)]
  • Lead actress: Sigourney Weaver as Ellen Ripley
  • Director: James Cameron
  • Release date: July 18, 1986
  • Runtime: 137 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 8.3
  • Box office: $131.1 million
  • Language: English

James Cameron's nerve-jangling sci-fi thriller catapulted the Alien franchise into one of cinema's most influential and lucrative series. Reprising her role as warrant officer Ripley, Sigourney Weaver leads an elite squad back to a human colony planet besieged by the acid-bleeding, parasitic xenomorphs.

Powerhouse set pieces like Ripley battling the Alien Queen while rescuing Newt punctuate the claustrophobic action. Aliens elevated the sci-fi genre with its revolutionary visual effects and tensely terrifying creatures, but Weaver's performance as a formidable heroine fighting trauma cemented the film's enduring appeal.

9 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)

Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) - top 20 80s movies
[Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Gone With The Twins)]
  • Lead actors: Bob Hoskins as Eddie Valiant, Christopher Lloyd as Judge Doom
  • Director: Robert Zemeckis
  • Release date: June 22, 1988
  • Runtime: 104 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.7
  • Box office: $329.8 million
  • Language: English

Director Robert Zemeckis broke creative boundaries with this live-action, animated hybrid that seamlessly blended cartoon characters into 1940s Los Angeles. After Roger Rabbit is accused of murder, hard-boiled private eye Eddie Valiant (Bob Hoskins) works to exonerate him and discovers a diabolical scheme.

A technical marvel, Who Framed Roger Rabbit perfectly integrates dazzling animation and noirish suspense. Hoskins' gruff P.I. plays brilliantly against perky Roger, femme fatale Jessica Rabbit and maniacal Judge Doom (Christopher Lloyd) in an irrepressibly entertaining crossover for all ages.

10 - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - top 20 80s movies
[Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Hotstar)]
  • Lead actor: Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones
  • Supporting actors: Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood, Paul Freeman as René Belloq
  • Director: Steven Spielberg
  • Release date: June 12, 1981
  • Runtime: 115 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 8.4
  • Box office: $389.9 million
  • Language: English

Iconic hero Indiana Jones cracked his bullwhip across cinema for the first time in Raiders of the Lost Ark, helmed by blockbuster extraordinaire Steven Spielberg. When intrepid archaeologist Dr. Jones races Nazis to find the lost Ark of the Covenant, he encounters booby-trapped temples, sinister foes and the amorous Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen).

Harrison Ford stepped into the fedora perfectly as charming, tough adventurer Indiana Jones. Joined by a stellar team like Spielberg, George Lucas and John Williams, Raiders of the Lost Ark began an exhilarating film series packed with visual ingenuity and rollicking stylistic throwbacks.

11 - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - top 20 80s movies
[The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: YouTube)]
  • Lead actors: Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Harrison Ford as Han Solo
  • Director: Irvin Kershner
  • Release date: May 21, 1980
  • Runtime: 124 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 8.7
  • Box office: $547.9 million
  • Language: English

Considered among the greatest sequels ever made, The Empire Strikes Back raised the Star Wars saga to operatic new heights with emotional storytelling and increasingly sophisticated filmmaking. As Darth Vader pursues the Rebel Alliance, protagonists Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Princess Leia find their bonds tested.

Beyond groundbreaking visual effects, the follow-up enriched the Star Wars mythos with family revelations and compelling new figures like Yoda and Lando Calrissian. The jaw-dropping climax in Cloud City built anticipation for the trilogy's finale and cemented The Empire Strikes Back as the pinnacle of space fantasy.

12 - Labyrinth (1986)

Labyrinth (1986) - top 20 80s movies
[Labyrinth (1986) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Ewbank's Auctions)]
  • Lead actors: Jennifer Connelly as Sarah Williams, David Bowie as Jareth the Goblin King
  • Director: Jim Henson
  • Release date: June 27, 1986
  • Runtime: 101 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.4
  • Box office: $11.6 million
  • Language: English

Visionary puppeteer Jim Henson directed this dark fairy tale fantasy about a teenage girl navigating a treacherous maze to rescue her kidnapped brother. Jennifer Connelly displays tenacity as Sarah Williams, challenged at every turn by Jareth the Goblin King, played with otherworldly charisma by David Bowie.

Labyrinth blends mythic lore, striking set design, eccentric creatures and challenging puzzles into an immersive, dreamlike quest. Though initially a box office disappointment, the film later earned beloved status for its imaginative world, engrossing story and Bowie's magnetic musical performance.

13 - Beetlejuice (1988)

Beetlejuice (1988) - top 20 80s movies
[Beetlejuice (1988) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Gone With The Twins)]
  • Lead actors: Alec Baldwin as Adam Maitland, Geena Davis as Barbara Maitland
  • Director: Tim Burton
  • Release date: March 30, 1988
  • Runtime: 92 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.5
  • Box office: $73.7 million
  • Language: English

Tim Burton displayed his dark comedic sensibilities in Beetlejuice, a fantasy horror comedy about a deceased couple haunting their former home. When pretentious new owners displace them, the ghosts recruit manic troublemaker Betelgeuse to drive out the family.

Michael Keaton explodes with madcap energy as the demented title poltergeist, sparking off stars Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis. Brimming with quirky charm, unique visuals and twisted humor, Beetlejuice established Burton's gothic style while becoming a beloved cult classic.

14 - The Terminator (1984)

The Terminator (1984) - top 20 80s movies
[The Terminator (1984) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Shat Podcasts)]
  • Lead actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger as The Terminator, Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor
  • Director: James Cameron
  • Release date: October 26, 1984
  • Runtime: 107 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 8.0
  • Box office: $78.4 million
  • Language: English

James Cameron vaulted himself to stardom, along with Arnold Schwarzenegger, with the lean, mean sci-fi thriller The Terminator. An unstoppable cyborg assassin travels from 2029 to 1984 Los Angeles to kill Sarah Connor, the future mother of a resistance leader.

With its dystopian future setting, intelligent script and revolutionary special effects, The Terminator raised the bar for action filmmaking. But Schwarzenegger's chilling performance as the seemingly unbeatable Terminator endures most, imprinting the infamous line "I'll be back" into movie history.

15 - The Shining (1980)

The Shining (1980) - top 20 80s movies
[The Shining (1980) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: The Projection Booth Podcast)]
  • Lead actor: Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance
  • Supporting actress: Shelley Duvall as Wendy Torrance
  • Director: Stanley Kubrick
  • Release date: May 23, 1980
  • Runtime: 146 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 8.4
  • Box office: $44 million
  • Language: English

Stanley Kubrick pioneered new levels of horror filmmaking with his chilling adaptation of Stephen King's novel. When a hotel's off-season caretaker (Jack Nicholson) succumbs to psychic forces, he spirals into a murderous rage targeting his vulnerable wife and son.

Nicholson delivers one of his most iconic performances, descending into deranged obsession with petrifying results. Kubrick amplifies the terror through innovative Steadicam work and disorienting set design. Rich in texture and subtext, The Shining remains one of the genre's most artful, sophisticated nightmares.

16 - Brazil (1985)

Brazil (1985) - top 20 80s movies
[Brazil (1985) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Sotheby's)]
  • Lead actor: Jonathan Pryce as Sam Lowry
  • Supporting actors: Robert De Niro as Archibald 'Harry' Tuttle, Kim Greist as Jill Layton
  • Director: Terry Gilliam
  • Release date: February 1986
  • Runtime: 132 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.9
  • Box office: $9.9 million
  • Language: English

Terry Gilliam's wildly imaginative satire interweaves dystopian science fiction and bureaucratic absurdity in an Orwellian world of corporate domination and invasive technology. The film follows everyman bureaucrat Sam Lowry (Jonathan Pryce) as he attempts to rectify an administrative error, only to cross paths with an alluring woman (Kim Greist) and renegade heating engineer (Robert De Niro).

Visually stunning and provocative, Brazil expanded boundaries for fantasy storytelling with striking imagery and subversive humor. Gilliam presents a futuristic authoritarian state of malfunctioning gadgets and paperwork run amok, using biting satire to underscore crushing conformity and totalitarianism. Bold and singular, Brazil endures as a truly inventive '80s gem.

17 - The Untouchables (1987)

The Untouchables (1987) - top 20 80s movies
[The Untouchables (1987) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: TV Insider)]
  • Lead actor: Kevin Costner as Eliot Ness
  • Supporting actors: Robert De Niro as Al Capone, Sean Connery as Jimmy Malone
  • Director: Brian De Palma
  • Release date: June 3, 1987
  • Runtime: 119 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.9
  • Box office: $106.2 million
  • Language: English

Brian De Palma helmed this gripping Prohibition-era crime drama about federal agent Eliot Ness (Kevin Costner) pursuing notorious mob boss Al Capone in 1930s Chicago. With a script from David Mamet, The Untouchables blends stylistic flourishes and thrilling shootouts for a cops-and-gangsters classic.

Costner's Ness forms a taciturn team with veteran cop Jimmy Malone (Sean Connery, in an Oscar-winning role) to bring Capone (Robert De Niro) to justice. The Untouchables earned acclaim for its meticulous period details and complex moral quandaries in the battle between law and corruption.

18 - Ghostbusters (1984)

 Ghostbusters (1984) - top 20 80s movies
[ Ghostbusters (1984) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Carolina Theatre)]
  • Lead actors: Bill Murray as Dr. Peter Venkman, Dan Aykroyd as Dr. Raymond Stantz
  • Director: Ivan Reitman
  • Release date: June 8, 1984
  • Runtime: 105 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.8
  • Box office: $295.2 million
  • Language: English

Comedy director Ivan Reitman struck box office gold with Ghostbusters, an irreverent supernatural comedy starring Saturday Night Live alumni. After starting a ghost-extermination business, wisecracking parapsychologists Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Raymond Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) and Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis) suit up to save New York from a paranormal apocalypse.

Blending special effects spectacles with perfectly timed laughs, Ghostbusters became a wildly popular franchise thanks to the cast's hilarious chemistry. From the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man to "Who you gonna call?", Reitman and company crafted an '80s touchstone brimming with fun and energy.

19 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)

Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) - top 20 80s movies
[Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Shat Podcasts)]
  • Lead actor: Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller
  • Supporting actors: Alan Ruck as Cameron Frye, Mia Sara as Sloane Peterson
  • Director: John Hughes
  • Release date: June 11, 1986
  • Runtime: 103 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.8
  • Box office: $70.1 million
  • Language: English

John Hughes wrote and directed this beloved coming-of-age comedy about a mischievous high schooler playing hooky for one freewheeling day. Charismatic Matthew Broderick stars as the eponymous Ferris, who leads his girlfriend Sloane (Mia Sara) and depressed best friend Cameron (Alan Ruck) on a liberating adventure through Chicago.

Full of quotable lines and rebellious hijinks, Ferris Bueller captured youthful spirit and autonomy like few teen movies have since. Broderick carries the film with contagious, wisecracking energy that made Ferris a hero for kids skipping school everywhere.

20 - Big (1988)

Big (1988) - top 20 80s movies
[Big (1988) - top 20 80s movies (Credits: Gone With The Twins)]
  • Lead actor: Tom Hanks as Josh Baskin
  • Director: Penny Marshall
  • Release date: June 3, 1988
  • Runtime: 104 minutes
  • IMDB Rating: 7.3
  • Box office: $151.7 million
  • Language: English

In Penny Marshall's irresistible fantasy comedy, a preteen boy makes a wish "to be big" and wakes up as a 30-year-old man played by Tom Hanks. While hilariously navigating adult New York City, young Josh still acts his mental age, leading to funny mishaps and poignant realizations.

Hanks nabbed his first Oscar nomination disappearing into the role, effortlessly alternating between childlike wonder and mature insight. Big earns its laughs and tears thanks to Hanks' phenomenal, sensitive performance at its heart reminding people to hold onto carefree innocence.

DPM Top Picks

Here are our top 3 picks of all 20 movies discussed above:

  1. Back to the Future - Cleverly high-concept yet full of heart, Back to the Future remains the perfect time-travel movie with dazzling performances and storytelling.
  2. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial - Timelessly moving and magical, E.T. displays Steven Spielberg's mastery of wonder and emotional depth like few films before or since.
  3. Raiders of the Lost Ark - With its nonstop thrills, memorable hero and technical mastery, Raiders of the Lost Ark is Steven Spielberg's action-adventure triumph.

Final Verdict

The 1980s marked an innovative, unforgettable chapter in cinema history that shaped so many beloved films to come. With new wave directors expanding the medium and special effects breakthroughs enabling new worlds, the decade's creative freedoms produced enduring pop culture touchstones that continue to inspire nostalgia and new fans.

From adolescent angst in The Breakfast Club to swashbuckling with Indiana Jones, the iconic characters, stories and style of '80s movies endure as cultural legends. These top examples display master filmmakers and stars operating at the height of their powers, cementing the 1980s as a definitive period that made going to the movies feel like pure movie magic.


Q: What is your favorite 80s movie?

My personal favorite is Back to the Future - the ingenious story, exciting action, humor and performances by Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd make it an absolute blast I never get tired of watching.

Q: Why were 80s movies so popular?

Iconic '80s movies tend to have bold visual style, great music and imaginative stories not bound by as many studio conventions which made them hugely popular. Also, the rise of blockbusters and home video created shared pop culture touchstones.

Q: What was the top selling movie in 1980?

The Empire Strikes Back was the highest grossing film at the box office in 1980 earning $547 million worldwide. It built on the massive success of Star Wars to become one of the most popular and acclaimed sequels ever.

Q: What 1980s movie has the most famous soundtrack?

The soundtrack to Purple Rain, Prince's 1984 musical drama is one of the most iconic and best selling movie soundtracks from the 1980s era. Songs like "When Doves Cry'' and "Let's Go Crazy" defined the Minneapolis Sound.

Q: Which actor starred in the most 1980s comedies?

John Candy and Steve Martin starred in several of the most popular comedic films of the 1980s, including Planes, Trains and Automobiles, The Great Outdoors, ¡Three Amigos! and Uncle Buck among others.

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