The Pop Princess Emerges - Britney's Soaring Stardom

The Pop Princess Emerges - Britney's Soaring Stardom
(The Pop Princess Emerges - Britney's Soaring Stardom/Image Credits:Variety)

In the late 90s Britney Spears invaded the music scene with catchy pop songs and indisputable charm. Ever since the release of her first single hit the market, Destiny was on track for becoming the next star girl. She was soon known by everyone as a pop diva, and her music defined a whole generation.The young rising stardom Britney went through intense media interrogation and exposure. It is doubtful that the spirit of even the bravest could endure an atmosphere where the paparazzi are without mercy and the media are never satisfied with the details involving her private life.

A Star Under Siege: The Downward Spiral

A Star Under Siege: The Downward Spiral
(A Star Under Siege: The Downward Spiral/Image Credits:THE INQUISITR)

Britney’s mental health was eroded by the tremendous pressure in addition to the constant media glare. Her private life was put under constant scrutiny as she continued to struggle with the demands of celebrity. These headline-generating tabloids included her very public divorce and custody battles together with her unstable behavior. The world really seemed as though it could not have enough of her fall.That is notwithstanding made it out loud that Britney was not so strong anymore since she found it hard to bear the strain out. She became a public eye after the notorious shaving incident and visits to a number of rehabs. This is exactly what was reflected in Justin Timberlake's song titled “Everybody is Looking.” The whole world watched what was happening to Britney Spears with concern.

Also Read: Justin Timberlake Expressed His Dissatisfaction After Being Questioned Regarding Britney Spears' Pregnancy

Fight For Freedom: The Conservatorship Dilemma

However even more pathetic than this highly publicized breakdown has been a conservatorship overseeing her personal affairs since then. The law provided that her father could exercise authority over all personal aspects and financial issues due to the team of lawyers used by him and also the court guardianship order which allowed his rights. Her restraints as they have been for over ten years have led to the FreeBritney movement and questions on her freedom.These were the days when Britney sang and recorded hits as well as performed some successful residencies in Las Vegas under a conservator. She was tied down by a law which made it difficult for her to drive or even have children. In fact this was a very severe example of disregarding a woman’s dignity.

Also Read: Britney Spears Upcoming Memoir: The Memorable Justin Timberlake Impression That's Gone Viral

The Empowering Of #freebritney: A Movement Takes Hold

This caused a #The FreeBritney movement was supported by her true fans and people who cared about this girl and her situation. This was meant to put an end to conservatorship, because her life has been under control of the conservator for years more than it should be. This meant that Britney began using her social media voice to talk about herself. One could easily see that this was a woman who was willing to take her life, life rights and liberties back using her frank expositions and heartfelt disclosure. 

A Tale Of Resilience And Redemption: Britney's Liberation

A Tale Of Resilience And Redemption: Britney's Liberation
(A Tale Of Resilience And Redemption: Britney's Liberation/Image Credits:Sexy Clips Blog -

One month before Britney Spears was under the control of courts asking directly of the judges to let her free from this oppressive conservatorship. Her tears while revealing how she underwent torture for her testimony in this legal system moved the whole world. It was in healing that it all stemmed from and it gave Britney an opportunity to talk in front of people openly about what she passed through in life. Later the judge ruled in Britney’s favor and she was released from the conservatism that lasted over ten years. This was when she started getting back her independence and freedom: it was indeed one of the major milestones in her bid to become independent again and much as she lost some admirers at the same time, many others remained supportive.Britney Spears’ story is that of bravery, repentance, and liberty. World has been shown this lesson on bravery through her dramatic elevation, extensive struggle, and finally successful lawsuit. Her resilience in womanhood is signified in the road traveled. She emerges wiser and tougher than ever. The spirit of Britney stands out as an example of the strength of spirit in every woman around the globe.

Also Read: Get To Know About Britney Spears: Her Statement To Justin Timberlake That He Used A Blaccent During Interaction with Ginuwine