Jessica Simpson Has Graciously Extended A Heartfelt 44th Birthday Tribute To Her Beloved Spouse, Eric Johnson
(Jessica Simpson Has Graciously Extended A Heartfelt 44th Birthday Tribute To Her Beloved Spouse, Eric Johnson/Image Credits: People)

Jessica Simpson, aged 43, congratulated her husband, Eric Johnson, on his 44th birthday on Tuesday. The vocalist utilized Instagram to disseminate various new photographs of the football player, along with their charming three children: Maxwell, aged 11, Ace, aged 10, and Birdie, aged 4. 

The photographs encompassed one in which they all cheerfully posed together while standing outside and another in which they posed with doughnuts that spelt out Happy Birthday. Additionally, there was a delightful photograph of Birdie capturing her parents while in her bathing suit and near an outdoor pool. Get instant updates from

The caption that accompanies the post

Eric celebrated his 44th birthday on September 15th, and his family bestowed upon him an abundance of affection to commemorate his life. My heart is profoundly captivated by this gentleman, to the extent that I can scarcely claim it as my own... We hold you in the highest regard. Although he may not be inclined towards Instagram, I believe that the more well-wishes, the merrier, Jessica wrote in the post's caption. Jessica's most recent birthday tribute to Eric arrives two months after her birthday celebration.

Exchanging photographs that evoke fond memories

Jessica Simpson Has Graciously Extended A Heartfelt 44th Birthday Tribute To Her Beloved Spouse, Eric Johnson
(Jessica Simpson Has Graciously Extended A Heartfelt 44th Birthday Tribute To Her Beloved Spouse, Eric Johnson/Image Credits: OK Magazine)

The stunning lady shared a photograph of herself without makeup, donning a red top and her hair pulled back. 43 makeup free, she wrote in the caption, before humorously adding, (kinda. Ha. I did curl my lashes.)

In addition to sharing memorable photographs of herself and her family, Jessica occasionally divulges noteworthy anecdotes about her experiences as a wife and mother. During the previous month, she disclosed an incident wherein one of her children unintentionally stumbled upon her and Eric, her spouse since 2014, engaging in intimate activity.

Observe the unfolding of the event

Although she did not disclose the child's identity, she confirmed that her only son, Ace, was not involved. Fortunately, he did not witness the occurrence, she shared while attending a canine-related event. I believe he would have remained present and inquired about our actions. He would have engaged in conversation with us.Since then, it has not been a topic of discussion, she further added. Our children are now of an age where the possibility of them encountering such private moments is a reality. Therefore, we contemplate how to handle such situations and where to seek privacy.