It’s time to celebrate! Justin Bieber's 5th wedding anniversary with Hailey
(It’s time to celebrate! Justin Bieber's 5th wedding anniversary with Hailey/Image Credits:Times Now)

Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber are happily together. On September 13, they celebrated five years of marriage. In 2018, the pair exchanged vows in front of a judge. Justin posted several images to Instagram and a heartfelt message for Hailey on their wedding anniversary.

Justin caption to Hailey on Instagram!

It’s time to celebrate! Justin Bieber's 5th wedding anniversary with Hailey
(Justin caption to Hailey on Instagram/Image Credits:Koimoi)

To the most precious, my dear, Justin captioned the photo. Five years. You enthrall my heart. This trip with you will undoubtedly surpass our highest hopes, and I know this in the core of my being. Let's keep having huge dreams, sweetie. Cheers to an enduring existence. HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY!!!

The second wedding between Justin and Hailey occurred on September 30, 2019. The Montage Palmetto Bluff on the May River in South Carolina served as the venue for the event. Justin shared photos from the ceremony on Instagram and said, "Looking forward to forever with you."

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Justin and Hailey's relationship!

It’s time to celebrate! Justin Bieber's 5th wedding anniversary with Hailey
(Justin and Hailey's relationship/Image Credits: Brides,Refinery29)

After Justin's separation from Selena Gomez in 2014, Hailey and Justin, who had known one another since they were teenagers, fueled dating rumors. They formally announced their romance on Instagram in 2016 after several denials. But they split up in the year's second half, only to reunite in 2018.

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Amid rumors of an engagement!

It’s time to celebrate! Justin Bieber's 5th wedding anniversary with Hailey
(Amid rumors of an engagement/Image Credits: Identity Magazine)

Justin shared photos of himself and his fiancée to announce the news. He said on Instagram, Hailey, I'm determined to spend the rest of my life getting to know every aspect of you and patiently and kindly loving you.

I promise to lead my family respectfully, You have my whole, undivided attention, and I will ALWAYS put you first. Hailey Baldwin, you are the love of my life, and there is no one else I would rather spend it with.

Justin continued, I've always had the romantic notion that I want to get married, have kids, and have a family. It just has appealed to me ever since.