Oscar Winner, Kevin Costner's $400M Victory In Divorce Court Amid 'Cheapskate' Claims
(People/Image Credits:People)

Big yikes! On August 31, 2023, the sources shared some news about Kevin Costner's tough divorce with his second wife, Christine Baumgartner. Their divorce is getting worse.

Kevin Costner, the actor from "Yellowstone," said that Christine has been mean to him during the divorce. He used strong words like "relentless jihad" and said she's making things way more negative than they need to be. He also mentioned that she's making untrue claims about him. He created accusations on the legal documents filed before he and his former encounter with child support payments in Santa Barbara, California, in a courtroom throughout the last week of August. 

According to the sources, the Oscar winner thought his ex-had been 'sparkling with hostility' ahead of him and suspected him of 'being a cheapskate' while he was forged into 'ways for more than one million dollars' when she filed a divorce case in May.

Kevin Costner Claimed That His Wife, Christine, Took $105K From Him Secretly

According to the sources, Kevin Costner has claimed that his separated wife, Christine Baumgartner,secretly took around $105K from him to pay her divorce lawyers. He also alleges that she misused the money of how much she required to continue raising their three Kids. Follow Dailypopmix.com for more reading and know the actual truth. 

The 'Yellowstone' star, Kevin Costner,said that while his ex, who needs more than $175k per month for child support, did the math computation, she included all the bills of her several plastic surgery procedures, around $188.5k per year and fees for her private instructors and 'unallocated credit card expenditures' that've nothing to happen with the children. 

They vary from the reasonable need in the context of kid support. Kevin said during the legal documents when he added that the child support Christine demands is 'masked spousal support'. The sources revealed that the Oscar winner claimed to Christine that she required $248k per month in child support, expanded the bill as Kevion can pay for it, and no bond with the kid's needs.


Kevin Costner States His Wife, Christine, Is Capable To Get A Job Though, She Has No Plans

Oscar Winner, Kevin Costner's $400M Victory In Divorce Court Amid 'Cheapskate' Claims
(Kevin Costner States His Wife, Christine, Is Capable To Get A Job Though, She Has No Plans/Image Credits:NY Post)

Kevin said that Christine only needs $63k per month to survive comfortably. Before this summer, a judge had ordered Kevin Costner to pay $130k each month to Christine in child support. 

Kevin further mentioned that his estranged wife, Christine Baumgartner, can seamlessly do a job. However, she has no plans for getting engaged or employed in any income-yielding activity. According to the sources, the 'Yellowstone' actor condemns his ex of battling with such a huge amount of child support so that she never does the work again. 

Meanwhile, the sources revealed that Christine might look into working or teaching with children to generate revenue. 

On September 1, Kevin Costner seized a major victory against his estranged wife, Christine, when a judge ruled to favour the actor and set the monthly child support expenses up to $63, 209 which is lower than half of what he was paying earlier. The ruling occurred for Christine,who had wanted to increase the amount to $161 592 after it was set temporarily at $129 755. 

At first, she wanted $248,000 for their three kids' support.

Even though the decision was in his favour, Kevin said there was no winner in this situation. He explained that life can be very complicated when you've been with someone for so long. It can change suddenly. One moment, you might feel great, and the next, you realise how fragile life can be. For more, stay engaged with Dailypopmix.com and explore more!