Jamie Lee Curtis; World’s Most Beloved Actress
( Jamie Lee Curtis; World’s Most Beloved Actress /Image Credits:CNN)

Jamie first appeared on television in 1977 and did the famous horror movie, ‘Halloween’ in 1978. Since that movie Jamie has not looked back. Here we have a sneak peek of her career’s best movies.

1 – Halloween Ends – 2018

Halloween Ends – 2018
( Halloween Ends – 2018 /Image Credits:Den of Geek)

A young man falls for Jamie’s granddaughter. Jamie is playing the role of Laurie in this movie. Series of horrible incidents happened in the movie which made that young man a homicide. Jamie is a treat to watch in this movie. The movie is friendly, adroit, full of surprises and of course evil.

Also Read : Best Movies Of Jamie Lee Curtis To Watch This Halloween


2 – My Girl – 1991

My Girl – 1991
( MyGirl –1991/Image Credits:Film-Rezensionen.de)

This movie is about an 11-year-old girl who falls in love with the boy while living in Madison, Pennsylvania. Jamie plays the role of a makeup artist and 11 years old girl’s step mother. The movie is humorous and touchy at the same time.

3 – Halloween H20: 20 Years Later – 1998

Halloween H20: 20 years later – 1998
( Halloween H20: 20 years later – 1998/Image Credits:Absolute Josh Hartnett)

It is described as a song of the most belittled movie of the Halloween franchise and people of today’s age are going to love it. Jamie fakes her own death to hide from Michael but somehow Michael finds her while Jamie worked as the headmistress at a boarding school in California.

Also Read : Exposing Jamie Lee Curtis' Terrifying Legacy: Her Reign As The Queen Of Scream!

4 – Queen’s Logic – 1991

Queen’s Logic – 1991
( Queen’s Logic – 1991/Image Credits:Plex)

Today’s generation would love watching this old school movie that revolves around a group of friends who reunite for a bachelor’s party and wedding of one of them. Jamie outdid herself in the movie as she played the role of a rich and eccentric Grace who astonished everyone with her fashion sense.

5 – Halloween III: Season Of The Witch – 1982

Halloween III: Season of the witch – 1982
(Halloween III: Season of the witch – 1982 /Image Credits:Empire)

This Halloween series is a science fiction horror movie and the only movie that did not include Michael as an iconic killer. This is one of the evilest movies of the Halloween series and it introduces a company that made Halloween masks to kill the children who wore those masks.
It's artistic, spine-chilling and fun to watch.

Also Read : Curtis - A Roller Coaster Ride Ending Up With The Oscar Win


6 – True Lies – 1994

True Lies – 1994
(True Lies – 1994/Image Credits:IMDb)

This movie is an action-packed comedy movie about a US agent who could not balance his work and family life as a spy. Jamie played the role of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s wife and together they gave a fabulous performance.

7 – The Tailor Of Panama – 2001

The Tailor of Panama – 2001
(The Tailor of Panama – 2001 /Image Credits:Alternate Ending)

This movie is an adaptation of John le Carre’s 1996 novel and is a thriller movie where MI6 agents spies on the Panamanian government. Jamie has played the role of assistant to the administrator of Panama Canal authority. The movie is dark and full of energy.

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8 – Blue Steel – 1990

Blue Steel – 1990
(Blue Steel – 1990 /Image Credits:Collider)

This movie is a thriller and action-packed movie as its name suggests. Jamie plays the role of a police officer who shoots her suspects on the first day of her job. The whole movie keeps you glued to the tv screen as you don’t want to miss any action and thriller parts.