Family Of Art

Family Of Art
(Family Of Art/ Image Credits:Them)

An American actress was born to a family who was already serving the film industry with its acting skills and art. This 1958 born was named Jamie Lee Curtis who acquired acting in her genes whether it be a serious horror role playing or a comedy performance. She has it all under her sleeve. She was also an author to children’s stories and movies and later in her career she was a proven producer presenting massively viewed movies.

Career And Mediums

Curtis was one of the lucky ones to have a career path and support both at home as her father was already a serving actor to the industry. She debuted with television in 1977 with the drama series Quincy and after only a year in 1978 she was showcasing her acting skills in the film Halloween. After her display of fabulous acting talent she emerged as a screaming queen and was casted in many following horror films. She was a part of Six Halloween sequels back to back.

Author In Parallel

In parallel to persuading her acting career she was satisfying her hunger for writing. She has so many ideas to be put on paper and so much to talk about regarding children. This she took as a challenge which was very well taken as she managed to write a lot for kids. The remarkable reading pieces presented for children are: When I was Little, Where do Balloons go, My friend Jay, This is Me, I am gonna like ME and many more. All were a treat to read carrying self-motivation, determination, confidence and hard work as character building traits for the children.

Also Read: Exposing Jamie Lee Curtis' Terrifying Legacy: Her Reign As The Queen Of Scream!

A Wonder House

A Wonder House
(A Wonder House/ Image Credits:The Sun)

If we talk about the above mentioned traits of a personality inculcated in her piece of writing for the kids they all were driven from her own personality. She carries it all and was showcased throughout her career making things happen which seem impossible apparently. The fame definitely hit her and with a lot of honor and courtesy she embraced it. And when it comes to falling in a slump with an unwanted surprise coming her way she holds high in character and strength to absorb it all and later revert it with patience and hard work. She is a real powerhouse.

Industry Presents The Scream Queen

The slasher film Halloween was presented on the big screen of cinemas starring Jamie Lee Curtis in 1978. The movie hit the box office bringing huge revenues to the industry as well as the producer. Along with this financial outcome the star earned tremendous fame for her mesmerizing performance in this horror genre bringing her the title of screaming queen. The movie, the star and the performance was the talk of the town.

Unpredictable Graph

The huge success of Halloween should have brought more success moments for the star but to a surprise it was never the case. It was actually the other way round. She signed new ventures, played her best but nothing was working for her to pave an inclining graph of her career. It was dark everywhere with no light of hope. It was a clear decline.

An Iron Lady

An Iron Lady
(An Iron Lady/ Image Credits:IMDb,Business Insider)

Though the winds were blowing against Curtis and she was finding no solution to the frustrating situation she had strong nerves to keep herself intact. The motivation, the confidence, the hard work, the consistency, and the focus all these traits were there in her personality. The magic came into play for Curtis in 1994 with the release of yet another movie True Lies. This movie turned the tables around bringing back the flow of success, finances, fame and acknowledgement to her way. The happiest moments for the star when all her long well played efforts really paid back.

Yet Another Slump But Invaded

The history being repeated in the exact manner. Another massive success for Curtis, the movie hitting hard at the box office, all reviews touching the heights of success, the performance applauded as the peak ones but again the star was not followed by more success stories. The depression to career and frustration for Curtis hits her head on. But she is a TRUE winner. She was born to win. In 1998 the release of H2O brought her on the success track and this time there was no looking back. She was tested twice but she is standing high with fame and pride.