Kate Moss Has Expressed Her State Of Denial Regarding Her Upcoming 50th Birthday In January
(Kate Moss Has Expressed Her State Of Denial Regarding Her Upcoming 50th Birthday In January/Image Credits:The Jakarta Post)

Kate Moss is apprehensively approaching her impending 50th birthday. In an interview with The Times, a prominent U.K. newspaper, the renowned supermodel expressed her reluctance to acknowledge this significant milestone, scheduled for January 2024. Moss candidly admitted to being in a state of denial regarding the inevitable ageing process.

She firmly asserted that she refuses to entertain the thought of turning 50, emphasising that she does not perceive herself as such. Furthermore, Moss, who shares a 20-year-old daughter named Lila Moss Hack with her former partner, Jefferson Hack, the founder of Dazed Media, firmly stated that she is not preoccupied with contemplating this forthcoming event.

Rewritten in a formal style

When asked whether she has undergone cosmetic procedures such as fillers or Botox, Moss declined to comment and stated that she prefers a natural appearance. Instead, Moss, the founder of a wellness brand Cosmos that offers various products, including fragrance and tea, disclosed to The Times that she follows a range of self-care routines to enhance her mental and physical well-being as she ages.

Additionally, she mentioned that she engages in the Ayurvedic practice of "moonbathing," which involves lying under the moonlight to absorb its energy. Furthermore, Moss revealed that during a full moon, she energizes her crystals. She expounded to The Times that she placed all her crystals on a tray and positioned them outside the garden to purify and energize them.

Renowned fashion establishments

Kate Moss Has Expressed Her State Of Denial Regarding Her Upcoming 50th Birthday In January
(Renowned fashion establishments/Image Credits:CNN,Vogue India,iiitl.ac.in)

The luminary, who has graced the catwalks of esteemed fashion houses such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Calvin Klein, and Alexander McQueen, further divulged that she commences her day by engaging in a 10-minute meditation routine.

She recites affirmations, citing her preferred ones as "embrace the unknown" and "trust the universe and it will lead the way." In March, Lila, pursuing a modelling career following in her mother's footsteps, disclosed that she continues to learn from her supermodel mother and seeks her expert guidance for outfit inspiration.

Consistently replicate her ensembles

Kate Moss Has Expressed Her State Of Denial Regarding Her Upcoming 50th Birthday In January
(Consistently replicate her ensembles/Image Credits:Cosmopolitan)

Lila shared with Vogue for its Diary of a Model video series, "It is quite amusing because I used to consistently imitate her outfits, always opting for black and gray, such as skinny jeans. Now, when I put together my own outfits, she will exclaim, 'Oh my goodness, I am so envious, you look so adorable!' and I respond, 'It's all yours.'"

Lila further mentioned that while she always keeps an eye on her mother's handbags, she unfortunately cannot borrow her shoes due to their differing foot sizes. "She wears a size 6 while I wear a size 5, which is one of my greatest regrets," Lila humorously remarked.

The principles of sustainability

In May, Kate also revealed that she finds inspiration in other individuals, albeit not in the conventional sense. "I have always held great admiration for the Queen, and I believe King Charles will not disappoint," she expressed ahead of King Charles' coronation. It marks a new era in Britain that we can eagerly anticipate and that instils hope."