New King Arthur TV Series Introduces Shocking Twist At Legendary Excalibur Origins
(New King Arthur TV Series Introduces Shocking Twist At Legendary Excalibur Origins/Image Credits:Newsweek)

The episode of 'The Winter King' provides a shocking new takeaway from the origins of the sword Excalibur of Arthur. There are several exotic components from King Arthur's legend, so his sword is known as the most famous weapon. 

Right from the 'Sword in the Sword' of Disney to the fantasy epic of , the storyline of how Arthur gets his trademark weapon far and wide. Many versions of the myth provide fully distinct takeaways on the Excalibur's origin. 

One point would be the fourth episode of 'The Winter King'. The new fantasy series of MGM+ relies on the novel of Bernard Cornwell of the same name that attempted to ground Arthurian legend by blending it into historical facts. 

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Arthur Discovers The Excalibur At The Grave Of His Mother. 

New King Arthur TV Series Introduces Shocking Twist At Legendary Excalibur Origins
(Arthur Discovers The Excalibur At The Grave Of His Mother/Image Credits:IMDb)

Throughout the fourth series, Arthur, as 'Iain De Caestecker' and his sister Morgan, as 'Valene Kane', take a tour of his mother's grave. Their mom worked as a blacksmith while Arthur reminisced on how beautiful and clever she was to depict the storylines. 

This contains Excalibur's myth, and Arthur, who searched through a heap of rusty swords, spotted one with a distinguishing handle. Something on this blade utters about him to take it back from the castle and refine it. Later, he decides to make his primary weapon and fight with its blade to split a different sword into two.

Hence, in essence, this sword turns into its own Excalibur. This makes a far-origin of more down-to-earth for the weapon. There are some distinctive tales in the Arthurian myth of how he received the sword. There is the sword within the stone myth through which warriors from the isle gathered to try to pull the legendary weapon out. 

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Who Created Excalibur Into 'The Winter King'? 

New King Arthur TV Series Introduces Shocking Twist At Legendary Excalibur Origins
(Who Created Excalibur Into 'The Winter King/ Image Credits:New York Pos)

Once Arthur is discussing with Morgan their mother and the storyline of Excalibur, she suddenly intrudes on him, unveiling that she was the only person who told that story to him. Morgan utters that their mother never tells them any tales, and the edition of her into his memory did not exist. Morgan utters Arthur to use him in everything, and his birth may cause Eddie Marsan, as King Uther, to discard her because he did not have a 'bastard' girl child. 

Apart from this, Arthur wanted to be the best at all things, consisting of fighting and rising to win her approval. The devastating reveal is that his mother never loved him sideways. Arthur thinks of her warmly. 

He also talked about the promise of how his mother make him into a sword someday while picking the blade from a cool handle at the heap of rejected swords near his mother's grave. Want to read more compelling stories? Stay tuned to our page at and remain engaged!