Harry Porter’s Main Character emma Watson’s Favourite Episode Of Harry Potter
(Harry Porter’s Main Character emma Watson’s Favourite Episode Of Harry Potter/Image Credits: Vanity Fair)

What is Emma Watson’s Favourite Episode of Harry Potter

Let’s discuss Emma Watson’s favourite episode of the Harry Potter Movies. For her work in Harry Potter movies, she’s still best known by everyone. She has worked on eight films and yet it is obvious among them which episode is the most favourite according to her.

Thus, by working in it she has gathered a lot of memories with her fellow actors. She has played an iconic role as a Hermione Granger. Everyone including critics praised her character enormously and her acting skills were at the next level.

Moreover, her performance as a young witch was so impressive. In all the films of Saga, Watson played Hermione in all eight films which was loved by everyone. These films took place between 2001 to 2011.

Furthermore, in 2007 she made her television debut and also took part in other kinds of productions. Apart from her movies, she has been more involved in handling and solving women's issues. 

Her main focus was to empower every woman and to give them their full right. She even speaks in place of them just to make them aware. We have noticed that in recent years she has not been as active in the industry as she once used to be.

She has taken part in a few films and TV productions. On the other hand, what makes her character memorable is her own ultimate efforts. Emma Watson further added that she found it quite challenging to film the final two movies of Harry Potter.
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However, in an interview, she revealed both the best and worst scenes. No doubt when there is the best so ultimately the worst would also be faced by the actors. Watson begins her best and favourite moments in Harry Potter

“The first movie, even though it was ten years ago and I was really  Young at that time, I just remember the wide-eyed excitement and awe I just came into Leavesden every day, just to be so excited about what I was going to see it next. Every time I walked onto a new set or someone New did something new, it was all just so exciting for me”

Harry Porter’s Main Character emma Watson’s Favourite Episode Of Harry Potter
(Harry Porter’s Main Character emma Watson’s Favourite Episode Of Harry Potter/Image Credits: TheWrap)

This is what she said about the best memories she accumulated from Harry Potter Movies. However, there are some scenes that were quite difficult for her to do but she ends up with her best efforts.

Hence, she further admitted that she didn’t like to watch her first Harry Potter movie as it seemed pretty surreal and bizarre to her. The reason behind saying this is that there’s a flashback to her first film that she has chubby cheeks, long hair, and such a high voice.

Therefore, these thoughts made her not watch her first film again. Obviously, there’s a comparison between when she did her first movie and then the eighth one. Everything has changed for her. Hence, she has become experienced and gained so much popularity through her untiring efforts.

Through the years, her favourite movies were the Harry Potter movies. She has also worked with several other productions and featured in many other movies but Harry Potter Movies is one of the best and most wanted movies for her.

Thus, she has made many memories with her fellow co-actors and also revealed why she didn't like to watch her first Harry Potter Movie. 
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