Meghan Markle Dines With Friends, But Where's The $200k Engagement Ring?
( Meghan Markle Dines With Friends, But Where's The $200k Engagement Ring? /Image Credits: IMDb)

The controversy spread when Meghan was seen without her husband Harry and the engagement ring which she always flaws whenever she is stepping out of her place.

When Meghan was celebrating her post-birthday party with her friends she seemed so much happy and contented, she celebrated her birthday at Montecito and she beautifully wore an amazing yet beautiful dress on her birthday, the dress was from some top designer of the world. It was her designer dress that caught the attention of millions.

When she was pictured by the top news channel that was present on her birthday party. The reporters noticed something fishy, when they took a deep look in Meghan’s pictures, and when they gave more attention to her hands, it was revealed that she got rid of her engagement ring that contained three beautiful stones in a beautiful shape, it was the ring during her engagement that everyone was in awe and loved it as the design is more unique and looked classy on her hands.

The ring of her engagement had a worth of about $180k and it is said that the diamonds that the ring contained were very expensive as mentioned above and from the classy collection of Prince Harry’s mother Diana’s amazing and top jewelry collection.

When it was noticed by the reporters, the rumors spread about why Meghan is like that. What is her envy of Prince Harry’s family? 

This action of Markle has put forward another controversy about her marriage life conditions with Harry and their marriage is not going to a good path, These types of information are getting reported on different and top blogs website.

According to a top channel, the couple was previously questioned about is there was something wrong with the marriage, but at that time, the couple completely denied the allegations from the reporters.

Harry and Meghan are not seem with good steps forward as they have failed to get many business deals, and their relationship of with the families has sparked lots of controversies and they are being by the people of the country.

Harry is having difficulty in fitting in Meghan’s lifestyle as she grows up with. He needs to have more time to back on track after getting bashed by a lot of people.

Their financial conditions are not good too, they are facing many financial crises in California and there are more funds left for their beautiful mansion and the high security they always get whenever they step out of their house.