Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins Unite On Screen : Their Work Together
(Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins Unite On Screen: Their Work Together/Image Credits: IMDb)

Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins can be seen together in a photo, for the movie Legends of the Fall. This film boasts a melodic soundtrack, perfectly complemented by breathtaking scenery and being screened at The Autry.

In an interview, Sir Anthony Hopkins opened up about his experience working with Brad Pitt on the movie Meet Joe Black. He jokingly referred to himself as the "troublemaker" during production suggesting that Brad Pitt may have found him difficult to work with on set.

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Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins Unite On Screen : Their Work Together
(Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins Unite On Screen: Their Work Together/Image Credits: The Silver Petticoat Review)

Released in 1998 Meet Joe Black is a fantasy drama where Brad Pitt portrays Death, who takes on the appearance of a man killed in an accident. He seeks guidance from media mogul Bill Parrish (played by Sir Anthony) to learn about life on Earth.

Throughout the film, Death develops a connection with Parrish's daughter Susan (portrayed by Claire Forlani) after giving himself the name "Joe Black" in an awkward yet endearing moment.

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Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins Unite On Screen : Their Work Together
(Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins Unite On Screen: Their Work Together/Image Credits: Death Takes a Holiday (1934))

Reflecting back now Sir Anthony admits that he struggled with the pace at which Martin Brest, the film's producer and director wanted to work on this remake of the 1934 film Death Takes A Holiday. He even confesses that he tried to influence Brest into avoiding takes during filming.

He remembered; 'Martin Brest, the director. Such a guy. He would shoot the scene over and over again. I never understood why. One day I told him "I don't have time left. Can we wrap up the scene?" It was really frustrating.

'He would insist; " one more.". I would reply; "No I'm going home now I'm exhausted."'

Talking about his co-star he mentioned to The Irish Times; 'Brad might have thought I was a little difficult.. I was absolutely certain that we would never reach the end.'

The irony wasn't lost on the Silence of the Lambs actor either as the movie is famously, under three hours long and Sir Anthony agreed by saying 'it does go on doesn't it?' when discussing its 178 minute duration.

This was their second collaboration after working in Legends of the Fall back in 1994.

Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins Unite On Screen : Their Work Together
(Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins Unite On Screen : Their Work Together/Image Credits:Medium)

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In 2021 Sir Anthony made history by becoming the recipient of an Academy Award for Best Actor due to his performance in Florian Zeller's heart-wrenching dementia drama, The Father.

In October 2019 these two seasoned actors met at a hotel in Beverly Hills to discuss topics, including the beauty of embracing our mistakes.

BRAD PITT; Do you believe in fate?. I don't mean destiny or greatness. I simply mean that things are predestined.


PITT; Over the years I've really come to understand and appreciate this. How would you explain it?

HOPKINS; Lately I've had these dreams about elephants. It's strange because I can't really explain why.. It reminds me of a movie I watched as a child called Elephant Boy. In the film the main character Sabu would ride on the back of an elephant through the jungle. I distinctly remember sitting beside my grandfather captivated by the scene. It felt like sitting on something powerful—like life itself. Somehow I unconsciously chose to embrace this wondrous force letting it guide me wherever it may go.. I believe that's what happens to people, like you and me; we surrender ourselves without knowing why. Perhaps it's a longing to escape from something, in our lives. But now my perspective has shifted—I realize that neither credit nor blame can truly be attributed to our choices.

PITT; That resonates with me completely—especially when it comes to taking credit for our actions. The concept of blame is still something I grapple with.