There are a lot of TV shows that start very interesting and lose their thrill by the time they reach the third or fourth season. The writing becomes boring with little or no new twist or turn, making the movie very predictable and tiring to watch. But then there are some shows that manage not just to stay fresh but actually get better with every season. 

Continue reading to find 4 TV shows that got better with each season.

1. Peaky Blinders 

TV Shows That Got Better With Each Season
(TV Shows That Got Better With Each Season /Image Credits: WallpaperAccess)

Peaky Blinders had viewers engaged from the beginning to the end of the series. This very sensational and gritty gangster drama morphs into an epic family saga as it goes. The movie tells the story of the Shelby family, led by Tommy Shelby and overlooked by Aunt Polly. As a gang operating in Birmingham, they’ve been associated with many crimes, and the family does everything in their power to continue to reign as an empire in 1920s England.

The first season of the movie just established a narrative. As the seasons progressed, more twist and turns were added including turf wars, and illicit schemes in a clan that owns all the world’s riches but still starves for basic connection.

2. Succession 

TV Shows That Got Better With Each Season
(TV Shows That Got Better With Each Season /Image Credits: Rotten Tomatoes)

A smashing hit from start to finish, Succession gained a strong fan base that spent weeks waiting for one new episode to devour the high-stakes battles of the ultrarich. The movies follows the story of the ultra-wealthy Logan family and the Roys cutthroat ambition fro power and control. The show blends contrasting elements of comedy and drama to deliver a stunning message.

Every season just goes deeper, revealing how wounded souls are in the family, and how desperate they are for love money can’t buy.

Also Read: What You Need To Know About Succession

3. Breaking Bad 

TV Shows That Got Better With Each Season
(TV Shows That Got Better With Each Season /Image Credits:

Considered to be one of the greatest, most captivating shows of all time, Breaking Bad sets its first season pretty effortlessly. It follows the story of Walter White, a frustrated high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with cancer, who in a bid to survive turns into a methamphetamine manufacturer. Walter also drags a former student Jesse Pinkman into the dangerous drug trade world. As the complex story of the movie progresses we see Walter evolve into a full-fledged monster willing to do whatever is needed to ensure his survival, even at the expense of other people's lives. 

As seasons go by, the show carries Walter White around the dark world of drug dealing and violence, poisoning almost every relationship he has in an endless hunger for power.

Also Read: 8 Never before heard facts about the popular show 'Breaking Bad' that you need to know

4. Daredevil 

TV Shows That Got Better With Each Season
(TV Shows That Got Better With Each Season /Image Credits: Den of Geek)

Dare devil is one of Netflix most interesting and popular series. The movie is well directed by Drew Goddard and Charlie Cox’s marvelous performance as Matt Murdock just adds more intrigue as the movie progresses. The movie lays an interesting foundation with its inaugural season by following its titular hero going about his lawyer business by day and beating the bad buys at night.

For more interesting movies to watch, you can easily browse through our news outlets to see some of the best picks out there.