Will Smith Has Recently Chosen To End His Silence Following The Significant Disclosure Made By Jada Pinkett Smith
(Will Smith Has Recently Chosen To End His Silence Following The Significant Disclosure Made By Jada Pinkett Smith/ImageCredits:People)

Will Smith has decided to speak out about his seven-year separation from Jada Pinkett Smith in light of her forthcoming memoir, Worthy. During her interview with NBC, Jada Pinkett Smith disclosed the momentous revelation regarding her estrangement from Will Smith in 2016. 

Jada Disclosed

After the interview, Will conveyed his sentiments to the New York Times after an elapsed period of nearly six days, articulating, "When one has spent over half of their existence with another individual, a certain emotional myopia takes hold, rendering one susceptible to overlooking their concealed intricacies and delicate allure." 

Jada engaged in an intimate conversation with Hoda Kotb on NBC News regarding her memoir. During this prime-time special, she divulged startling details from her book, including her relationship with Will. Jada revealed that she and Will have been living apart for seven years, stating, "Although it was not a legal divorce, it was a separation." 

Speculations Are Circulating

Speculations Are Circulating
(Speculations Are Circulating/Image Credits: CBS 8)

The couple has been leading "completely separate lives" since 2016. Despite rumours circulating about their relationship over the years, Jada clarified that many of them were unfounded. Their separation began seven years ago and has been a private arrangement. 

When questioned about their decision to remain separated, Jada provided an explanation stating that they were not prepared to redefine their partnership and publicly present it. They were still in the process of understanding how to navigate their relationship and present it to the world. 

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Jada Has Undertaken A Personal Commitment

By 2016, they had become weary from their efforts, yet still clung to their ideals of what the other person should embody. Jada made a personal commitment to herself and Will, vowing to prevent their marriage from culminating in divorce, a promise she had not broken. The prospect of divorce is not under consideration, as she stated, "We possess no inclination to pursue such a course of action." 

Also Read : How Jada Pinkett Smith And Will Smith's Kids Are Following In Their Footsteps

We cherish our family and our love for one another. It is more akin to a lifelong partnership. As for what the future holds, who can say, Hoda?" Following the broadcast of the interview, it has come to light through a reliable source that Willow and Jaden Smith, the children of Will and Jada, are experiencing a sense of relief as a result of their mother's decision to disclose the truth regarding their separation. 

The News Was Disclosed To The Public

The News Was Disclosed To The Public
(The News Was Disclosed To The Public/Image Credits: The Independent)

The aforementioned source conveyed, "While Jaden and Willow possess an immense love for their mother and often emulate her behaviors and characteristics, they are greatly relieved that this news has finally been made public, allowing everyone to move forward. Time is of the essence, and they all desire for individuals to embrace their true selves, relinquishing any lingering resentments or concealed truths."

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